Why Do People Sweat?
中文: 为什么会流汗? 更详细进入...
She blamed that on her then husband, and co-star, Sean Penn for pushing her into doing the film.
中文: 她把这归咎于,她当时的丈夫——与她联袂出演的辛潘非要让她来出演该片。 更详细进入...
At first they sweat profusely, lose large quantities of salt in their sweat and feel miserable.
中文: 最初,他们汗流浃背,从汗水流失大量盐分,苦不堪言。 更详细进入...
Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide,but I love you,until the end of time.
中文: 暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。 更详细进入...
Strom clouds may gather and stars may collide,but I love you,until the end of time.
中文: 暴风雨的乌云可能会聚集,星星可能会碰撞,可是我会永远爱你,直到地老天荒。 更详细进入...
The clouded leopard is the largest predator on the Borneo and Sumatra Islands. Described as very secretive it spends most of its time in the tree canopies of the rainforests.
中文: 婆罗洲云豹是该岛以及苏门答腊岛最大的食肉动物。科学家称婆罗洲云豹行踪诡秘,大部分时间都呆在热带雨林的树冠上。 更详细进入...
There is a new species of leopard out there in the rainforest of Borneo. The clouded leopard is secretive and gets its name from the cloud-shaped patterns on its fur.
中文: 在婆罗洲的雨林中发现了一种新品种的美洲豹.这种云点斑纹的豹子很神秘,并根据它毛皮上的云状花纹样式为其命名。 更详细进入...
Girl: Do fish ever sweat?
中文: 女孩:鱼会出汗吗? 更详细进入...
The clouds of flowers burst forth in the garden in spring, which is the fruit of the gardener's labour;the saplings grow into the forest on the wild wide ground, which is the simpld but great merits and achievements.
中文: 春天的花园鲜花如云,那是园丁汗水和心血的结晶,广袤的原野幼树成林,那是老师平凡而伟大的功绩。 更详细进入...
The cloud characteristics included differences in the ease with which moist air in the tropics travels into the upper atmosphere, the speed with which raindrops fatten and the level of humidity required for clouds to form.
中文: 云层的特征包括热带的潮湿空气缓慢流向高层大气时出现的种种区别,也包括雨滴变大的速度与云层形成所需要的湿度。 更详细进入...
Sweat streamed down his face.
中文: 他脸上汗水直流. 更详细进入...
Sweat exudes through the pores.
中文: 汗从毛孔中渗出. 更详细进入...
Che Khan, ruler of the Khan's, orders the assassination of the newborn baby of the Maraji's.
中文: 汗国的统治者车可汗下令暗杀这个马拉吉家的新生儿。 更详细进入...
Many of the estimated 8,000 to 18,000 Bornean clouded leopards in existence inhabit a Kansas -size, mountainous rain forest called the Heart of Borneo.
中文: 预计8000至18000多云豹存在,占据了婆罗洲堪萨斯尺寸、山地雨林的心脏称为婆罗洲. 更详细进入...
Matls C, Metens T, Deveiere J, et al. Pancreatic Duct: Morphologic and Functional Evaluation with Dynamic MR Pancreatography after Seretin Stimulation. Radiology 1997,303:433~411.
中文: 程红岩,贾雨辰,周岱云,等.转移性癌侵犯胆管的影像学分析中华放射学杂志,1995,10:704. 更详细进入...
We surmised that being in a cloud meant we were above the rain, and hence we could roll the dice and return to the sleeping bags.
中文: 我们猜想身在云中就意味着在雨层的上面,也就可以碰碰运气回到睡袋里去了。 更详细进入...
On a drizzly day in spring or autumn, the two peaks is an enchanting landscape as they appear and disappear amidst drifting clouds.
中文: 在春天或秋天,细雨纷纷云遮雾绕之时,两座山峰时隐时现,真是一个迷人的景象。 更详细进入...
A horse reeking with sweat.
中文: 浑身汗水的马匹。 更详细进入...
Is the sweat of Envy's Foot.
中文: 是嫉妒的脚的汗。 更详细进入...
sweet summer sweat.
中文: 夏日的香汗伶俐。 更详细进入...