Multi-slice CT angiography of the torcular Herophili region and imaging anatomy
中文: CT血管成像窦汇区影像解剖学研究 更详细进入...
中文: 锯缘青蟹窦腺显微和超微结构研究 更详细进入...
Microsurgical anatomy of the region of the orbital apex and cavernous sinus
中文: 海绵窦-眶尖区的显微外科解剖研究 更详细进入...
This article will first of all look into the origin and background of Chen's writing and then go on to discuss the images of women as presented by him in the book, which can be roughly divided into the categories of palace ladies, virtuous women, talented
中文: 本文首先考察陈文述写作的缘起与背景;其次探讨《西泠闺咏》中的女性形象,依其身分阶层,分为宫闱妃嫔、节妇烈女、闺阁才媛、姬妾侍婢、妓女歌儿、方外庶民六节论述。 更详细进入...
Before the wedding, the bride would have had a cloistered existence in the women's quarters, and so it was natural that she should be reticent.
中文: 新娘原本深处闺中,何曾见过这麽大的阵仗,保持沈默是再正常不过的反应。 更详细进入...
Mk. 5:42 And immediately the little girl rose up and walked about, for she was twelve years old. And immediately, they were amazed with great amazement.
中文: 可五42那闺女便立刻起来行走,那时她已经十二岁了。他们立即大大地惊奇。 更详细进入...
Under the feudality system and man authority. the women in Qing Dynasty were ruined ruthlessly both in body and mind.
中文: 摘要清代的深闺制度使妇女的身心遭到无情摧残,尤以男权制度压制为甚。 更详细进入...
Conclusions The presence of the Rokitansky Aschoff sinus is the basis of the occurrence of the intramural gallstone.
中文: 论:罗-阿窦变化是壁内结石定位的基础。 更详细进入...
Study of Anatomy Related to Modified Presigmoid Approach
中文: 改良的乙状窦前入路应用解剖学研究 更详细进入...
Endoscopic anatomy of tristar of grooves
中文: 筛泡前径路额窦开放术的鼻内镜解剖 更详细进入...
Anatomy Study around Saddle of Extended Transsphenoidal Approach under the Endoscope
中文: 经鼻-蝶窦入路的内镜鞍周解剖学研究 更详细进入...
Applied anatomy of the sigmoid sinus in lateral skull base surgery
中文: 侧颅底手术中乙状窦应用解剖学研究 更详细进入...
Anatomy of the proximal straight sinus under CT angiography
中文: CT血管成像直窦近端影像解剖学研究 更详细进入...
Study on clinical anatomy of Chinese nasal cavity and paranasal sinus related to functional endoscopic sinus surgery
中文: 国人鼻窦与内窥镜手术相关解剖的研究 更详细进入...
Anatomic Study on the Retrolabyrinthine Region through Presigmoid Approach
中文: 乙状窦前入路迷路后区应用解剖学研究 更详细进入...
Transverse sectional anatomy of the pericardial sinuses and its adjacent structures
中文: 心包窦及其相邻结构横断层解剖学研究 更详细进入...
Microanatomical study of the combined supra-infratentorial presigmoid approach
中文: 幕上、下乙状窦前入路的显微外科解剖学 更详细进入...
Endoscopic anatomy of tristar of grooves
中文: 筛泡前径路额窦开放术的鼻内镜解剖 更详细进入...
A microanatomical study of triangle in the cavernous sinus of microneurosurgery.
中文: 海绵窦显微外科相关三角解剖学研究 更详细进入...
Applied anatomy of the superior wall of cavernous sinus and its adjacent structures
中文: 海绵窦上壁及其毗邻结构的应用解剖 更详细进入...