The Bank of Japan is now looking for 2.5% GDP growth in the current (March 2005) fiscal year and anticipates 1.5% growth in the 12 months to March 2006.
中文: 目前,日本央行预期本财政年度(2005年3月)的国内生产总值增长为2.5%,并预期在截至2006年3月份的12个月内,经济增长为1.5%。 更详细进入...
We plan for some of the roles progressively to be conducted by Iraqi personnel.
中文: “我们计划将日益增多的军队及其他任务交给伊拉克人自己处理。” 更详细进入...
Demand for bamboo furniture and flooring is now growing in the West.
中文: 在西方国家正在兴起用竹子来制作家具和地板的需求日益增加。 更详细进入...
Hongkong Electric will lift its per unit tariff from $1.10 to $1.179 from January 1.
中文: 港灯将在一月一日加价,每度电力收费由1.1元增至1.179元。 更详细进入...
Third, rail-to-rail amplifier output stages exhibit load-dependent gain which affects amplifier open-loop gain, and hence closed-loop gain accuracy.
中文: 第三,轨到轨放大器输出级增益与负载有关,这将影响放大器的开环增益,当然也影响了闭环增益的准确性。 更详细进入...
Therefore daily exposure to the sun is useful in ascension.
中文: 因此,每日日光浴有益提升。 更详细进入...
Some government officials have stressed the importance of building ties with Asian neighbours as a bulwark against China's growing influence.
中文: 一些日本政府官员强调与亚洲邻国打造联系、以抗衡日益增大的中国影响力的重要性。 更详细进入...
China is in a rush to build and expand its airports and fleets to cope with growing passenger traffic.
中文: 面对日益增长的客流,中国急于建立并扩大自己的机场和飞机数量。 更详细进入...
This is a new pavilion created this year to focus on the increasing requirement in the global marketplace for data security.
中文: 随着全球数据安全市场的日益增长,今年特意设置了此方面的展台。 更详细进入...
The date of the meeting was advanced from June20 to June7.
中文: 会议日期由6月20日提前到了6月7日。 更详细进入...
30 January, China Telecom was granted with the value-added service license by the MII.
中文: 1月30日中国电信获得信息产业部增值电信业务许可证。 更详细进入...
Over the month, the MSCI Far East ex-Japan Index was 6.8% higher.
中文: 在5月,摩根士丹利资本国际远东(日本除外)指数增长了6.8%。 更详细进入...
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Feb. 3 (Heroes' Day, anniversary of the assassination of Eduardo Mondlane), Apr. 7 (Day of the Mozambican Women), May 1 (Workers' Day), June 25 (Independence Day), Sep. 7 (Victory Day-anniversary of the end of the
中文: 节日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、英雄日(莫解阵第一任主席蒙德拉纳被害纪念日,2月3日)、莫桑比克妇女节(4月7日)、劳动节(5月1日)、独立日(6月25日)、胜利日-结束武装斗争纪念日(9月7日)、争取民族解放发起武装斗争纪念日和莫桑比克武装部队日(9月25日)、全国家庭日(12月25日)。 更详细进入...
To fund these operating costs, the average domestic sewage charge will have to rise to $27 per month in ten years' time - a modest increase each year of no more than 10 cents per day.
中文: 为支付每年约13亿元的日常营运开支,我们预计在10年内,排污费须增至每月27元,每年递增幅度温和,平均增幅每日不足一毫。 更详细进入...
The maximum gain-before-feedback is the most amplification of the sound before the sound system goes into feedback and starts squealing.
中文: 最大反馈前增益,就是音箱开始啸叫,或者出现振铃效应时候的增益。 更详细进入...
The ITN is currently in the planning stages of follow-up studies designed to test emerging tolerance therapies in islet transplantation.
中文: ITN目前正在计划随访试验,用来检验日益增多的胰岛移植的耐受疗法。 更详细进入...
September 11, 2006, the Chinese University Community Forum (CUPF) TONET signed the 2001 agreement, Thus, Chinese University Community Forum began trial operation.
中文: 2006年9月11日,中国大学生公益论坛(CUPF)与TONET签定了一年协议,至此,中国大学生公益论坛开始试运行。 更详细进入...
DISPOSING of computers, monitors, printers and mobile phones is a large and growing environmental problem.
中文: 废弃电脑,监视器,打印机,手机的处理是一较大的日益增长的环境问题。 更详细进入...
The market requirement of Cordyceps militaris, a valuable edible and medicinal fungus, is increasingly growing.
中文: 摘要蛹虫草是一种珍贵的药、食同源大型真菌,其市场需求量日益增加。 更详细进入...
Vandalism is increasing on the large housing estates like a cancerous growth.
中文: 破坏公共财产的行为,像癌肿一样正大规模地在房地产业中日益增长。 更详细进入...