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    To our knowledge, testicular atrophy causing decrease in FDG uptake has not yet been reported.

    中文: 就吾人所知,睾丸萎缩导致氟化去氧葡萄糖摄取减少尚未被报导。 更详细进入...
    Israel's foreign ministry okesman said Friday ground incursio are nece ary if Israel is to neutralize the mi ile threat from Hezbollah.

    中文: 以色列外交部发言人星期五说,如果以色列要消除真主党导弹的威胁,完全有必要采取地面行动。 更详细进入...
    Israel's foreign ministry spokesman said Friday ground incursions are necessary if Israel is to neutralize the missile threat from Hezbollah.

    中文: 以色列外交部发言人星期五说,如果以色列要消除真主党导弹的威胁,完全有必要采取地面行动。 更详细进入...
    Please click Nextto continue, or click Cancelto close this wizard.

    中文: 请单击下一步继续,或单击取消关闭向导. 更详细进入...
    By means of quality-based, credit-guaranteed.developing by innovation.of productes develop in mutiplica-tion and seriation.

    中文: 以质量为基础,以信誉为保证,以创新求发展,以规模取效益,不断开拓创新,使产品的种类向着多元化、系列化发展。 更详细进入...
    It would be ironic if the triumph of free trade and market economics in the emerging economies were to turn the rich world more protectionist and interventionist.

    中文: 新兴国家通过自由贸易和市场经济而取得成功,而由此导致发达国家趋于采取保守主义和干涉主义的相关政策,那才是多么的荒唐啊。 更详细进入...
    The fetcher generates a fetch address for fetching a cache block from the instruction cache containing instructions to be executed.

    中文: 指令读取器产生读取位址以供快取记忆体读取快取区块内的指令。 更详细进入...
    Synomone Induced by Herbivore Feeding.

    中文: 植食者取食诱导植物产生互益素的研究 更详细进入...
    If we interpret a truth is usefulas a truth is a recognition that can guide practice to success, we can say a recognition that can guide practice to success is a truth, viz. what is useful is truth.

    中文: 摘要如果把“真理是有用的”这句话理解为:真理是能指导实践取得成功的认识,那么,我们完全可以说:能指导实践取得成功的认识就是真理,即“有用就是真理”。 更详细进入...
    On the basis of quality, with the commitment of prestige, developing by renovation, taking benefit by the scale, the enterprise keeps development and innovation and makes its products develop in a multiplied and serialized way.

    中文: 以质量为基础,以信誉为保证,以创新求发展,以规模限取效益,不断开拓创新,使产品的种类向着多元化、系列化发展。 更详细进入...
    Our bank provides safekeeping service for the clients to keep documents of value, such as deposit certificate (bank book) and bonds, for which we charge some handling fee accordingly.

    中文: 我行为客户提供保管箱服务,您可以保存有价值的证券,如存单(存折)、债券等等,我行收取一定的手续费。 更详细进入...
    Implement the equipment maintenance plan and SOP.

    中文: 执行设备保养计划及作业指导书。 更详细进入...
    Induction and preservation of embryogenic callus in loquat

    中文: 枇杷胚性愈伤组织的诱导和保存 更详细进入...
    Many Rotarians feel that receiving Paul Harris Fellow Recognition through one's own contribution is a way of “buying” recognition.

    中文: 许多扶轮社员觉得以自己的捐献来换取保罗?哈理斯之友是用钱来「买」表彰。 更详细进入...
    Judge not according to appearance.

    中文: 不可以貌取人。 更详细进入...
    Syria retained all its traditional assets and bargained to relinquish many of them in exchange for a peach with Israel and acceptance by the United States.

    中文: 叙利亚保留了自己原有的资产,并打算放弃部分资产来换取叙以和平以及美国对其的接受。 更详细进入...
    Alternate Ending with director Paul Anderson's video introduction. Exclusive to Deluxe Edition!

    中文: 可替换结局带导演保罗·安德森的视频导言。只属于豪华版! 更详细进入...
    Never judge from appearances.

    中文: 不要以貌取人. 更详细进入...
    In case it cannot be avoided, protecting measure on mesh-belt is required.

    中文: 如必须作业则对网带采取保护措施。 更详细进入...
    The government is taking action to protect wildlife.

    中文: 政府正在采取行动来保护野生动物。 更详细进入...

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