中文: 千针万线草环肽H的结构 更详细进入...
Events like the wind, the King lives! Love polymerization, discrete geopolitical do. 100 years with the ship, the Millennium total sleep. Why insist? Let nature take its course.
中文: 往事似风,人生如梦!缘来聚合,缘尽离散。百年同船,千年共眠。何须强求?顺其自然。 更详细进入...
Abstract The applied technology and a equipment are mentioned for protecting insulation overhead line from lightning strike breakdown in this paper.
中文: 摘要本文提出一种防止配电线路架空绝缘电缆雷击断线的实用技术和装置,可有效地防止架空绝缘电缆雷击断线、绝缘子损坏等事故。 更详细进入...
Roman law developing for 1000-odd years, its marriage system evolved from the marriage system with husband's rightsto the marriage system without husband's rights, therefore its marital purpose, the way of established marriage, the status conditions of ma
中文: 摘要罗马法在其千余年的发展历程中,其婚姻制度经历了从“有夫权婚姻”制到“无夫权婚姻”制的演变,与此相适应,其婚姻制度的目的、缔结方式、婚姻身份条件及离婚制度等也发生了相应的变化,从中反映了罗马婚姻制度不断走向进步的趋势。 更详细进入...
The electrician strung the wires along the edge of the ceiling.
中文: 电工沿着天花板边缘挂起电线。 更详细进入...
Genetic Relationships Among Five Species of Mermithidae Based on RAPD
中文: 五种索科线虫RAPD亲缘关系分析 更详细进入...
Keep in mind that romance is an important element of marriage.
中文: 牢记浪漫是婚姻里的一个重要元素。 更详细进入...
As wireless communications technology is evolving at a tremendous pace, and wireless communications market is expanding continually, Wireless Communications Business Unit will catch chance, integrate all resources and make arduous efforts to make wireless
中文: 无线通信技术的发展一日千里,无线通信的市场也在不断扩大,上海电信无线通信部将抓住时机整合力量,使无线业务成为上海电信在新世纪里最耀眼的业务增长点,成为上海电信核心竞争力的重要组成部分。 更详细进入...
Her quicksilver nature had been a constant concern to her parents in the past.
中文: 她好感情用事,这曾使她父母牵肠挂肚。 更详细进入...
To get the strongest magnetic compression, they developed heavy, water-cooled coils, often made from sturdy refrigerator tubing and consuming many kilowatts of electric power.
中文: 他们发展出以水冷却的沉重线圈,以达到最强的磁压缩,这些线圈使用坚固的冷却管线,需要消耗好几千瓦的电能。 更详细进入...
Indiscretion broke both marriage and career.
中文: 鲁莽轻率使他的婚姻和事业都失败了 更详细进入...
If you read between the lines, you can detect his contrived explanation.
中文: 在字里行间,你可以看出他牵强的解释。 更详细进入...
Insulation: High density polyethylene or polypropylene, color coded in accordance with standard telephone industry code.
中文: 绝缘材料:高密度聚乙烯,按照全色谱标准标明绝缘线的颜色。 更详细进入...
Insulation: High density polyethylene, color coded in accordance with standard telephone industry code.
中文: 绝缘材料:高密度聚乙烯,按照全色谱标准标明绝缘线的颜色。 更详细进入...
To ensure insulation, we use methods of insulated elevating scissors mechanism, insulated hydraulic system, two-level control system, optic fiber and wireless communication system, etc.
中文: 采用了剪叉式绝缘升降机构、绝缘液压系统、两级控制、光纤及无线通讯等绝缘方法。 更详细进入...
Objective: To isolate the constituents of Senecio scandens and determine their structures.
中文: 目的:对菊科千里光属植物千里光Senecio scandens进行化学成分研究。 更详细进入...
In the case of a line side fault, prevents the being Propagated to the breaker. Enables the circuit breaker's insulation in installations with insulated bus bars.
中文: 电源侧发生故障的情况下防止电弧传播到电路器上。在带绝缘母体排的装置里,使断路器进行绝缘。 更详细进入...
Subdivide the fringe section with a diagonal-left parting.
中文: 以对角线-左边分别细分边缘区段。 更详细进入...
A journy always starts with the first step.
中文: 千里之行,始于足下. 更详细进入...
A thousand miles start with first step.
中文: 千里之行始于足下。 更详细进入...