We now cordially invite distributors at home and aboard to cooperate or produce with mold with us.
中文: 我们竭诚欢迎国内外客商光临指导,或来样生产,共图发展,携手共进! 更详细进入...
Change Earth-degrading and Earth-depleting manufacturing processes, products, and businesses into Earth-sustaining ones (break-it-and-fix-it-better principle).
中文: 改变使地球劣化、使地球资源耗竭的产制程序、及其产品、业务,使为对地球有永续性的做法。 更详细进入...
As most of the yield increase resulted from the imbalanced use of nitrogen, native soil P and K reserves were depleted.
中文: 不平衡施用氮肥带来的产量增加,使土壤中贮存的P、K被逐渐耗竭。 更详细进入...
Informative price lists on Tunnel, Granulator and Electronic industry are available at any time by means of telephone (TELEFON).
中文: 该企业竭诚为贵公司介绍关于工业产品、振动、工业产品以及烘干技术和生产推动费用信息,请拨打+86(519)8902333。 更详细进入...
The company insists on the principle of faithfulness,evenness,mutual benefit,sincerely welcome all old and new friends of home and abroad to phone or E-mai to us.We very gald to keep enough long relation with customers of home and abroad.
中文: 公司本著真诚、平等、互利的原则竭诚欢迎新老客户来函、来电前来洽谈,乐意和国内外商家建立长期的产品供求关系。 更详细进入...
This paper is intended to address the Taoist tendency in Hughes' poems from these three aspects respectively.
中文: 本文拟从这三个方面探讨休斯诗歌中的道家思想倾向。 更详细进入...
When nutrients have been depleted, addition of adequate fertilizers can reverse the trend of soil organic matter depletion.
中文: 养分耗竭后,施用足量肥料能逆转土壤有机质耗竭的趋势。 更详细进入...
More inclined to set up joint ventures in China to operate the project with a low possibility of being manufactured.
中文: 中方则更倾向于成立合资企业经营,提高项目的国产化率。 更详细进入...
Our own beloved country is now afflicted with faction and civil war.
中文: 我们自己锺爱的国家,现在正受到相互倾轧和内战所苦。 更详细进入...
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious disease that can result in heart attacks, strokes or kidney failure.
中文: “高血压,是可能引起心力衰竭、中风、肾衰竭的一种严重疾病。 更详细进入...
After a hard gallop, the horse was played out.
中文: 那马跑得精疲力竭. 更详细进入...
A shopping jag; a crying jag.
中文: 疯狂购物;声嘶力竭 更详细进入...
I feel utterly zonked.
中文: 我感到精疲力竭了. 更详细进入...
We will keep on developing and making more and better magnetic tools to serve customers from all over the world.We believe you will find oboperatton with us is both beneficial pleasant.
中文: 我们会加倍努力,研发生产出更多更精美的产品,竭诚为全球客户提拱优良服务,共创美好未来。 更详细进入...
Worse, imported agricultural products from imperialist countries with highly subsidized agriculture were being dumped in the Philippines. While poor countries removed subsidies, industrialized powers maintained high subsidies.
中文: 最糟糕的是从帝国主义国家进口的农业产品,这些高额补贴的农业产品被倾销到菲律宾。当穷国去除补贴时,已工业国大国仍维持高额补贴。 更详细进入...
Example: In Susan's yard, the little well is a widow's cruse, which never dries, even in the severe season of drought.
中文: (苏姗家院子里的小井有着取之不竭的水,再干旱的季节都不会干涸。) 更详细进入...
The leading causes of kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure, which often run in families.
中文: 肾衰竭的主要病因是糖尿病和高血压,这些疾病通常在家族中流行。 更详细进入...
Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
中文: 杀鸡取卵。竭泽而渔。 更详细进入...
What industry trends are likely to affect cranberry processing and how?
中文: 什麽样的产业倾向会影响到小红莓的加工处理?会如何影响? 更详细进入...
We all thirst for the love of others that they go out of their way to avoid harming us and to do good to us.
中文: 我们大家都渴望别人的爱,渴望别人竭力避免伤害我们,尽量善待我们。 更详细进入...