With the development of transmitochondrial technique, the methods of establishing cybrid cellular model are various.
中文: 随着转线粒体技术的发展,制备该细胞模型的方法也多种多样。 更详细进入...
Equipment may also be part of a fixed installation.
中文: 设备也可以是固定机组的一部分。 更详细进入...
Making quantum state by the interaction between lasers and molecules;
中文: 激光与分子相互作用制备量子态 更详细进入...
Design And Implementation of On-Board Packard Telemetry Equipment
中文: 星载分包遥测设备的设计和研制 更详细进入...
Preparation of calcium borate from ulexite and slaked lime
中文: 石灰法分解钠硼解石制备硼酸钙 更详细进入...
Preparation of Biodegradable Microspheres Containing Human Serum Albumin
中文: 生物降解高分子蛋白微球的制备 更详细进入...
Gravity is unalterable but the forms to reflect gravity are diverse.
中文: 重力是不变的,回应重力的方式是多样的。 更详细进入...
Chocolate comes in many forms today.
中文: 如今,巧克力正以多种多样的形式出现。 更详细进入...
Being good at internal and external auditing.
中文: 具备良好的内部审核和外部审核的资格和能力。 更详细进入...
中文: 超氧化物歧化酶脂质体的制备及其药物动力学 更详细进入...
Preparation and Properties of the Bifunctional Enzyme with both SOD and GPX Activities
中文: 兼具SOD和GPX活力的双功能酶的制备及性质研究 更详细进入...
In AS/400, ability to work in the system or ability to work with other devices or programs.
中文: 在AS/400系统中进行工作的能力,或说和其它设备或程序协同工作的能力。 更详细进入...
Don't scatter your strength.
中文: 不要分散精力。 更详细进入...
Expand the various branches in the device tree and look for the washed out icons, which indicate unused device drivers.
中文: 展开设备树的各个分枝,寻找代表无用设备驱动程序的淡色图标。 更详细进入...
Urodynamic studies revealed marked increase of maximal urethral closure pressure (MUCP) - 210 cm H20, caused by decompensation of polyuria.
中文: 尿路动力学检查显示,最大尿道闭锁压力明显升高,达210公分水柱压;概由于多尿而造成代偿现象。 更详细进入...
Evaluation of PFGE and MLVA in molecular typing of Salmonella Typhimurium isolated in China
中文: 脉冲场凝胶电泳和多位点串联重复序列分析应用于中国鼠伤寒沙门菌分型能力的评价 更详细进入...
How often those games will come is the big question with the considerable forces of John Terry, William Gallas and Ricardo Carvalho also fighting for centre-back places and Robert was held in reserve at the start of last season.
中文: 如此密集的赛事给特里带来了很多的问题和巨大的压力,加拉和卡瓦略也是个进攻型的中后卫,胡斯是我们到达赛季末的有效的储备力量。 更详细进入...
Evaluation of PFGE and MLVA in molecular typing of Salmonella Typhimurium isolated in China
中文: 脉冲场凝胶电泳和多位点串联重复序列分析应用于中国鼠伤寒沙门菌分型能力的评价 更详细进入...
Information within the range Vermiculite can be enquired around the clock by Mail with changzhou boiler general factory refractory heat insulating material material branch factory.
中文: 废物处理、废物处理设备和蛭石(绝热材料)是我们文件中的一部分,请您电话垂询更多信息。 更详细进入...
Most microcomputer users buy a surge protector, a device that separates the computer from the power source of the wall outlet.
中文: 大多数微机用户购买浪涌电压保护器,一种将计算机与壁装电源插座的电源分开的设备。 更详细进入...