In Brown's book, a secret code reveals an ancient conspiracy to hide facts about Jesus Christ.
中文: 布朗的书中写到,一个密码揭露了一起隐瞒耶稣基督有关事实的古代阴谋。 更详细进入...
Don't let those grasping taxi-drivers charge you too much.
中文: 不要让那些贪婪的出租汽车司机向你漫天要价。 更详细进入...
Saleslady You are lucky; there is an additional ten percent off the price today.
中文: 女销售员您很幸运。今天这个价格还有10%的折扣。 更详细进入...
Objective To evaluate the significace of ultrasound in differential diagnosis of jaundice after liver transplantation.
中文: 摘要目的探讨超声检查对肝移植术后黄疸病因鉴别诊断中的应用价值。 更详细进入...
There were 256 coaches drawn from elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and university.
中文: 2.探讨教练的工作价值观对其组织承诺、工作投入及工作满意度的影响。 更详细进入...
Objective To assess the clinical value of three-dimensional resconstruction of multislice helical CT in costae andcosticartilage trauma.
中文: 目的探讨多层螺旋CT三维成像在肋骨及肋软骨损伤中的临床应用价值。 更详细进入...
Objective To investigate digital substractionangiography of the acute and chronic jejuno ilel intestine hemorrhage,and to improve its clinical application.
中文: 目的探讨急慢性空回肠出血患者的DSA检查,进一步提高其临床应用价值。 更详细进入...
Objective To deal with timing and complication of congenital cataract surgery.
中文: 摘要目的探讨先天性白内障手术时机及术后并发症处理。 更详细进入...
This morning he'll meet with State Department officials to discuss diplomatic options in the country.
中文: 今天上午他将在郊外与国家部门官员商讨外交政策选择。 更详细进入...
Have you lied to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet?
中文: 是否曾经欺骗家人、治疗师或其他人以隐瞒实际对网络涉入的深广程度? 更详细进入...
ESD must inform the Distributor 30 days in advance of the price adjustment for confirmation.
中文: 价格调整前,委托人会提前30天知会代理人确定。 更详细进入...
This paper discusses the pertinence between information disclosure of environmental expenditure and special industrial company's value.
中文: 本文主要探讨环保支出信息披露与特殊行业公司价值是否具有相关性。 更详细进入...
UK natural gas prices saw volatile trade as the market took the view that the row between Russia and Ukraine over gas supplies had been resolved for now.
中文: 由于市场认为俄乌天然气争端现已获解决,英国天然气交易价格出现波动。 更详细进入...
Ken: No problem! Who was that loser talking to you?
中文: 没问题的!昨天和你在谈话的那个讨厌的男人到底是谁呀? 更详细进入...
Sources tell CNN the new findings are outlined in an internal NASA review expected out today.
中文: CNN获悉,NASA最新讨论中有新的发现,并有望在今天告诉媒体。 更详细进入...
The paper discusses the technology to develop Tencel/linen blended yarn fabric on cotton textile machine.
中文: 摘要讨论了利用棉型设备开发天丝/亚麻混纺织物的工艺。 更详细进入...
Whenever the price moves by 15% in either direction from previous day settlement price, trading at or within a price limit of 15% is allowed for the next 20 minutes.
中文: 当价格在任一方向上的波幅同前一天的结售价相比少于15%时,则在后面20分钟内以15%的价格限制或在15%的价格限制内进行交易。 更详细进入...
In chapter 2, we will explore how men's and women's values are inherently different and try to understand the two biggest mistakes we make in relating to the opposite *: men mistakenly offer solutions and invalidate feelings while women offer unsolicited
中文: 第二章将探讨男人和女人天生的价值观是如何的不同,并尝试了解我们与异性相处时常犯的两大错误:男人错误地提供解答和无价值的感觉;女人错误地提供没有吸引力的忠告和指示。 更详细进入...
In chapter 2, we will explore how men's and women's values are inherently different and try to understand the two biggest mistakes we make in relating to the opposite sex: men mistakenly offer solutions and invalidate feelings while women offer unsolicite
中文: 第二章将探讨男人和女人天生的价值观是如何的不同,并尝试了解我们与异性相处时常犯的两大错误:男人错误地提供解答和无价值的感觉;女人错误地提供没有吸引力的忠告和指示。 更详细进入...
This paper adopts a line space model to examine the optimal location of a shopping mall under mill pricing and uniform pricing and to compare the effects of he pricing policies on price, output, profit, and welfare.
中文: 摘要本文利用一个两市场分别位于直线之两端点的线性空间模型,讨论在单一出厂价格及单一运送价格二种订价制度下,购物中心之厂址选择,并比较此二种订价制度下之价格、销售量、利润及福利。 更详细进入...