26 Methuselah lived seven hundred and eighty-two years after he became the father of Lamech, and he had other sons and daughters.
中文: 26玛土撒拉生拉麦之后,又活了七百八十二年,并且生儿养女. 更详细进入...
The local manager Project Hope department heres has solicited intensive 2 million Yuan donating.
中文: 18当地主管希望工程的部门至此已募集约二百万元的捐助。 更详细进入...
Unemployment is at a record high of 8.3% and the property market has lost two-thirds of its value since 1997.
中文: 失业率创百分之八点三的新高,楼价较高峰期下跌三分之二。 更详细进入...
93 Correctly handle the relationship between primary,secondary and tertiary industries.
中文: 正确处理第一,二,三产业的关系. 更详细进入...
For importation of goods, it is the date of imp -ort declaration.
中文: (二)进口货物,为报关进口的当天。 更详细进入...
Relationship between dimorphism and pathogenicity in candida albicans
中文: 白念珠菌二相性与致病性关系 更详细进入...
Plant species-area relationship in a 42-hm~2 research plot of coniferous and board-leaved mixed forest in Jiaohe, Jilin Province, China
中文: 吉林蛟河42hm~2针阔混交林样地植物种-面积关系 更详细进入...
A study of the sibship among Eriobotrya japonica Lindl, E. prinoides Rehd.
中文: 普通枇杷、大渡河枇杷、栎叶枇杷的亲缘关系探讨 更详细进入...
The temporal and spatial correlations between NDVI and main climatic factors in Yanhe watershed
中文: 延河流域NDVI与主要气候因子的时空相关性研究 更详细进入...
Relations of Change of Ecological Environmentand Human Being Activities in Heihe Lower Reaches
中文: 黑河下游生态环境变化及其与人类活动的关系 更详细进入...
Species Diversity,Biomass and Their Relationship of Shrubberies in an Arid Valley of the Minjiang River
中文: 岷江干旱河谷灌丛物种多样性、生物量及其关系 更详细进入...
Correlationships Between the Coverage of Vegetation and the Quality of Groundwater in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River
中文: 塔里木河下游植被覆盖度变化与地下水质关系 更详细进入...
Study on Inter-specific Relationships of the Dominant Plant Populations in Downstream Water-level-fluctuating Zone of Gui River
中文: 妫河下游消落带植物群落优势种种间关系研究 更详细进入...
Advance in the Research on the Influence of Primary Producers to the Nutrient Transport in the Estuarine Area
中文: 与植物有关的河口营养迁移过程及其研究进展 更详细进入...
Community Characteristics of Grasshopper and Its Relationship with Plant Community in Upper Reaches of Heihe River
中文: 黑河上游草地蝗虫群落特征及其与植被的关系 更详细进入...
Preliminary Study of Plant Community Characteristics and Their Relationships with Climate in the Hexi Corridor Region
中文: 河西走廊植物群落特征及其与气候的关系初探 更详细进入...
中文: 黄河三角洲盐生植被与土壤盐分的相关性研究 更详细进入...
She writes futuristic novels about voyages to distant galaxies.
中文: 她撰写关于去遥远的银河系航行的未来派小说。 更详细进入...
The riverine carbon transport is closely related to the processes of terrestrial erosion-deposition.
中文: 摘要河流碳输移与陆地侵蚀-沉积过程紧密相关。 更详细进入...
Study on the Vegetation Landscape Spatial Pattern of Wenyuhe Watershed in Guandishan Forest
中文: 关帝山林区文峪河流域植被景观空间格局研究 更详细进入...