Located at No.3689 of Bei Qing Road in Qing Pu District, Shanghai, it covers a floor space of over 18,OOOm2.
中文: 坐落于上海市青浦区北青公路3689号,占地面积18000多平方。 更详细进入...
Research on Conodont Biostratigraphy near the Bottom Boundary of the Middle Triassic Qingyan Stage in the Southern Guizhou Province
中文: 贵州南部地区中三叠统青岩阶底界附近牙形石生物地层学研究 更详细进入...
The grass is away greener on the other side of the valley.
中文: 对面山谷中的青草总是更绿. 更详细进入...
Three dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Stress\;in Supporting Bone of Mandibular Posterior Fixed Bridge\;Ⅰ. Stress Analysis of the Surface\;of Alveolar Bone Around Bridge Abutments
中文: 下颌后牙固定桥支持骨组织应力的三维有限元法分析——Ⅰ.固定桥基牙周围牙槽骨的表面应力分析 更详细进入...
She was green with envy.
中文: 她因慕而面色发青;她充满慕。 更详细进入...
N: For a filling? a denture? or a cleaning?
中文: 补牙?镶牙(做假牙),还是洗牙(洁齿)? 更详细进入...
The Tooth Wear and Health Condition of the Bronze-Iron Age’s Populations in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia
中文: 新疆及内蒙古地区青铜—铁器时代居民牙齿磨耗及健康状况的分析 更详细进入...
Conodont Associations in the Upper Part of Chaomidian Formation and Contact Line Determination of Cambrian and Ordovician in Qingzhou, Shandong Province
中文: 山东青州地区炒米店组上部牙形石组合及寒武、奥陶系界线的确定 更详细进入...
Effect Of Platelet-rich Plasma On The Attachment And Proliferation Of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts On Cementum Slices: An In Vitro Study;
中文: 富血小板血浆对牙周韧带成纤维细胞在牙骨质表面附着及增殖的影响 更详细进入...
A bony growth on the surface of a bone or tooth.
中文: 外生骨疣骨或牙齿表面上的骨质生长 更详细进入...
A film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface.
中文: 齿菌斑牙齿表面一层粘液和细菌的膜 更详细进入...
Her knitting was before her, but she had laid it down to pick her teeth with a toothpick.
中文: 毛线就在她面前,她却放着没织,只是一手托着胳膊,一手拿着根牙签剔牙。 更详细进入...
Cases of furcation that involve particular anatomical configurations, i.e., interradicular root proximity / fusion, have long been considered relative contraindications for treatments such as root amputation or hemisection.
中文: 在面对根岔侵犯并加上牙根合并或紧邻的问题时,牙根切除术或牙齿切半术,在传统上均被视为禁忌。 更详细进入...
Craniofacial characteristics and aesthetics of Tibetan youth
中文: 藏族青年头面部特征与美容学 更详细进入...
Dry tattoo by lightly patting with tissue.
中文: 轻轻地用面纸拍打以弄干刺青. 更详细进入...
The Infrared Spectroscopic Character of Ilex Leave Surface
中文: 冬青树叶表面的红外光谱特征 更详细进入...
中文: 我国石炭系滑石板阶标准剖面的牙形刺 更详细进入...
Conclusion: The curative effect of the light-cure veneer bonding group was obviously better than the direct bonding group.
中文: 结论氟斑牙光固化贴面粘结托槽组的疗效明显好于氟斑牙直接粘结托槽组。 更详细进入...
Dentists advise their patients to brush and floss regularly to prevent their teeth from decaying.
中文: 牙医建议他们的病人定期刷牙并用洁牙线剔牙,防止蛀牙。 更详细进入...