中文: 菹草的生活史、生物量和断枝的无性繁殖 更详细进入...
In Concord it is, in summer, from four to fifteen feet deep, and from one hundred to three hundred feet wide, but in the spring freshets, when it overflows its banks, it is in some places nearly a mile wide.
中文: 在康科德一段,夏天时,它有四至十五英尺深,一百至三百英尺宽,但在春天河水泛滥之时,它的两岸被水淹没,有些地方宽度能够达到一英里。 更详细进入...
Pedestrian : Yes, go straight across and the Town Hall is 100 meters along on the left-hand side.
中文: 行人:不错。穿过这路口,走大约一百公尺,左边就是市政厅了。 更详细进入...
Standard temperature observations are made in thermometer shelters about 5 feet above the ground.
中文: 标准气温测定是在离地面5英尺左右的百叶箱中进行的。 更详细进入...
The lake on the mountain at an elevation of about 350 meters is our first stop.
中文: 山里那座海拔三百五十公尺左右的湖泊是我们的第一站。 更详细进入...
The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards.
中文: 8其余的门徒(离岸不远,约有二百肘,(古时以肘为尺,一肘约有今时尺半)就在小船上把那网鱼拉过来。 更详细进入...
Pond fish matured, suckling pigs grown up, fruits being ripe, the workers all get them in hilariously in the harvest time.
中文: 在收获的季节,农场职工满怀喜悦,塘鱼丰收了,猪儿长膘了;百果园的荔枝、龙眼、芒果等岭南佳果挂满枝头。 更详细进入...
Cloning the cDNA fragments of differentially expressed genes between seeded and seedless fruit of seedless litchi
中文: 无核荔枝果实形成差异表达基因cDNA的克隆 更详细进入...
Isolation and identification on the metabolites from Amycolatopsis orientalis fermentation
中文: 东方拟无枝酸菌发酵液小组分的分离鉴定 更详细进入...
Description: Shrubs, 2-5 m tall; branchets almost glabrous.
中文: 形态特徵:灌木或小乔木,高2-5米;枝近无毛。 更详细进入...
The effect of chlorine on the fermentation products of Amycolatopsis orientalis
中文: 氯离子对东方拟无枝酸菌发酵产物的影响 更详细进入...
We just know that he is using an invincible golden gun.
中文: 我们只知道他用的是一枝无坚不摧的金枪。 更详细进入...
The 15-foot-high, 25-foot-wide, 1,500-mile-long structure was undoubtedly built to keep out invading enemies.
中文: 修建这一高15英尺,宽20英尺,长1500英里的建筑无疑是用来抵御外敌入侵的。 更详细进入...
It was a stick from a tree was deep inside Baby's leg and mother's teeth couldn't pull it out.
中文: 那是一枝从树上掉落的树枝深深插入小鹿的腿边,鹿妈妈的牙齿无法将它拔出。 更详细进入...
Without a yardstick, there can be no measurements, and without measurements there can be no assurance that an intervention was successful.
中文: 没有尺标,就无法测量;而没有测量,就无法确定干预是否成功。 更详细进入...
Property and Significance of Cell Signaling Transduction Scale-Free Network
中文: 细胞信号转导网络的无尺度属性及其意义 更详细进入...
In addition, to solve the lack of water supply at an elevation of 350 to 500 meters river terraces, a great amount of expense was spent on building Bai-Leng Irrigation Canal, which provided enough irrigating water for the agriculture on river terraces and
中文: 为解决海拔三百五十公尺至五百公尺的河阶缺水问题,钜资兴筑白冷圳,使河阶旱田水源灌溉充足,新社河阶群的土地利用也逐渐由粗放转为集约。 更详细进入...
You can never be strong enough.
中文: 强壮的身体有百利无一害。 更详细进入...
By 1990, formations were appearing that contained dozens of circles and were hundreds of meters long.
中文: 到了1990年,甚至出现由数十个圆圈组成且长达数百公尺的图案。 更详细进入...