Your dedication to service is our aim, your 100 is the satisfaction of our pursuit!
中文: 为您竭诚服务,是我们的宗旨,让您一百个满意是我们的追求! 更详细进入...
Calvinism was the most convenient religion since the days of the ancients.
中文: 加尔文主义是自古以来最方便的宗教。 更详细进入...
Cretaceous The most recent period of the Mesozoic era, 145-66 million years ago.
中文: 白垩纪:地质年代中生代的最后一个纪,距今一亿四千五百万年至六千六百万年前。 更详细进入...
The aim of Open Source Software (OSS) is to share the information resources and original code.
中文: 摘要开源软件以“信息共享、源代码共享”为宗旨。 更详细进入...
This paper gives the countermeasures against the problems in Aba prefecture religious work.
中文: 本文综合分析阿坝州宗教工作存在的问题,提出加强宗教法制建设的对策。 更详细进入...
The armed robbers stole over US$500 million in the largest bank heist in history.
中文: 武装的强盗偷了五百多万美金,犯下了史上最大宗的银行抢案。 更详细进入...
Effects of religious culture on forest resource conservation in Dinghu mountain, Guangdong
中文: 宗教文化对鼎湖山森林资源保护的影响 更详细进入...
Effects of religious culture on forest resource conservation in Dinghu mountain, Guangdong
中文: 宗教文化对鼎湖山森林资源保护的影响 更详细进入...
The purpose of this essay is to give a detailed analysis of Michael Oakeshott's idea of liberal education.
中文: 摘要本文之宗旨在于翔实地分析欧克秀的人文教育理念。 更详细进入...
Contend is a slogan guiding China's literature.
中文: “百花齐放,百家争鸣”是指导中国文学的一条语录。 更详细进入...
In the social transformation of Beijing City in the modem times, although the traditional religious culture generally represented declining trend, but as the pillar of the national traditional culture, temple culture of Confucianism possessed deep fertile
中文: 在近代京城社会转型中,虽然传统宗教文化总体上呈衰退趋势,但作为民族传统文化的支柱,儒家宗庙文化具有深厚的生存沃土,汉化佛教仍具有顽强的生命力,道教信仰依然在民间社会繁衍流传。 更详细进入...
To counter the present condition of the religious awareness of the citizens of various circles in Zhoushan city and their participation in the religious activities, this paper analyses the causes of this condition in the light of politics, economics and c
中文: 摘要文章针对舟山市各界群众宗教意识及参加宗教活动的发展状况,分析其社会政治、经济、文化诸方面成因,从而对贯彻国家的宗教政策、加强宗教事务的管理、发挥宗教在构建和谐社会中的积极作用提出建议。 更详细进入...
On the basis of inspecting the Hakkas community's urbanized advancement and its patriarchal clan condition at Longxi Longcheng street in Shenzhen, the author combines with the urbanized advancement and influence of the Zhujiang Delta countryside area to d
中文: 摘要本文结合珠江三角洲农村地区的城市化进程和影响,在充分考察深川市龙城街道龙西客家社区的城市化进程及其宗族状况的基础上,着重从宗族的习俗调整、宗族的聚居格局、宗族的经济基础和宗族的权威体系等几个方面,探讨宗族在城市化进程中所发生的一系列变化,并据此对现代化理论关于传统与现代相对立的理念进行反思。 更详细进入...
I depict the various scriptures in different languages to create images for shooting.
中文: 我描绘下了各宗教经文的原始文字,并用狗食制作拍摄用的文字食物。 更详细进入...
[KJV] He shall go to the generation of his fathers; they shall never see light.
中文: 他还要归到他历代的祖宗那里去,永不再见光明。 更详细进入...
Rifling through an inch-tall pile of documents, he also points to signatures he says prove that Danone representatives agreed in writing to letting non-joint venture companies sell Wahaha products.
中文: 宗庆后称他有可出示的文件证明,达能的代表曾签署同意非合资投资公司可以销售娃哈哈产品。 更详细进入...
He shall go to the generation of his fathers; They will never see the light.
中文: 诗49:19他仍必归到他历代的祖宗那里、永不见光。 更详细进入...
Cardboard holder for document, which can fit in the drawer of a filing cabinet.
中文: 存文件用的硬纸夹。这些文件夹可恰好放在券宗柜的抽屉内。 更详细进入...
He drought along a file of document to back up his claim.
中文: 他随身携带一卷宗文件以便证实索赔要求。 更详细进入...
Therefore I stationed some of the people behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed places, posting them by families, with their swords, spears and bows.
中文: 13所以我使百姓各按宗族拿刀,拿枪,拿弓站在城墙后边低洼的空处。 更详细进入...