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    And Maaseiah the son of Baruch, the son of Colhozeh, the son of Hazaiah, the son of Adaiah, the son of Joiarib, the son of Zechariah, the son of Shiloni.

    中文: 5又有巴录的儿子玛西雅。巴录是谷何西的儿子。谷何西是哈赛雅的儿子。哈赛雅是亚大雅的儿子。亚大雅是约雅立的儿子。约雅立是撒迦利雅的儿子。撒迦利雅是示罗尼的儿子。 更详细进入...
    The son of Jonathan was Merib-baal; and Merib-baal became the father of Micah.

    中文: 代上9:40约拿单的儿子是米力巴力〔米力巴力即米非波设〕米力巴力生米迦。 更详细进入...
    Firstly, the percentage of perfect flower in the short fruit branches was the highest, accounting for .8%, and that followed by the bouquet branches, accounting for 9.%.

    中文: 果表明,不同种类结果枝的完全花比率差异显著,短果枝上的完全花比率最高,为 8%; 其次为花束状果枝,为9 %; 更详细进入...
    Go tell the Spartans, passerby, that here, by Spartan law, we lie!

    中文: 走,去告诉斯巴达人们,过路人,斯巴达的法律,我们躺在这儿! 更详细进入...
    The birds fly high in the sky.

    中文: 鸟儿在空中高高地飞翔。 更详细进入...
    Preparation of Thermosensitive Polymer Grated Polystyrene Particles

    中文: 热敏性高分子接枝聚苯乙烯微球的制备 更详细进入...
    [bbe] All these, together with his daughter Dinah, were the children of Leah, whom Jacob had by her in Paddan-aram; they were thirty-three in number.

    中文: 这是利亚在巴旦亚兰给雅各所生的儿子,还有女儿底拿。儿孙共三十三人。 更详细进入...
    It's Not My Fault Mother (reprimanding her small daughter): You mustn't pull the cat's tail. Daughter: I'm only holding it, Mom. The cat's doing the pulling.

    中文: 不是我的错妈妈(正教训她的女儿):你不该拽猫的尾巴。女儿:妈,我只是握着猫尾巴,它自己在拽。 更详细进入...
    High efficiency electro-genetic transformation of Mycobacteria

    中文: 电穿孔法对分枝杆菌进行高效基因转化 更详细进入...
    Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased.

    中文: 狗一高兴就摇尾巴. 更详细进入...
    Development of intraepithelial lymphocyte in human fetal intestine

    中文: 人胎儿小肠上皮内淋巴细胞的发育 更详细进入...
    Effective agricultural control measures include intertilling. to decrease pupae, pruning of cotton plants to remove eggs and willow branches or high-pressure mercury lamps trap to kill moths et al.

    中文: 冬耕、中耕和灌水灭蛹,整枝灭卵,杨柳枝把或高压汞灯诱蛾都是有效的综防措施。 更详细进入...
    Kate models dresses for a shop in Paris.

    中文: 凯特在巴黎一家商店当时装模特儿。 更详细进入...
    She sat there attentively, her chin cupped in her hand.

    中文: 她手托着下巴,全神贯注的坐在那儿。 更详细进入...
    Simba: Run. Run away, Scar, and never return.

    中文: 辛巴:走。离开这儿,刀疤,永远不要回来。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] These were the sons Leah bore to Jacob in Paddan Aram, besides his daughter Dinah. These sons and daughters of his were thirty-three in all.

    中文: 这是利亚在巴旦亚兰给雅各所生的儿子,还有女儿底拿。儿孙共有三十三人。 更详细进入...
    Infancy and childhood: Because of the high demand for energy and essential nutrients, infants and children are at particular risk of undernutrition.

    中文: 婴儿和儿童婴儿和儿童对能量和必需营养素的需要量高,其营养低下的危险性也高。 更详细进入...
    And yet it could not stay on its high branch out of danger.... A force stronger than its will flung it down.

    中文: 但它仍然不肯坐在自己那高高的十分安全的树枝上--一种比它的意志还要强大的力量把它从枝头抛了下来。 更详细进入...
    Pond fish matured, suckling pigs grown up, fruits being ripe, the workers all get them in hilariously in the harvest time.

    中文: 在收获的季节,农场职工满怀喜悦,塘鱼丰收了,猪儿长膘了;百果园的荔枝、龙眼、芒果等岭南佳果挂满枝头。 更详细进入...
    Description: Shrubs, 2-5 m tall; branchets almost glabrous.

    中文: 形态特徵:灌木或小乔木,高2-5米;枝近无毛。 更详细进入...

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