Check out this chart to see how your favorite stars stack up against their real-life counterparts.
中文: 请读读下面的文章,看看你最喜欢的明星们同现实生活的原形相比,有哪些异同。 更详细进入...
Fabrication of allogeneic cartilage with tissue engineering technique and repair of laryngeal cartilage defects in rabbits
中文: 同种异体工程化软骨的构建和修复甲状软骨缺损的实验研究 更详细进入...
The results of the experiment varied wildly.
中文: 实验结果差异很大. 更详细进入...
Two New Synonyms of Viola Linn. (Violaceae)
中文: 中国堇菜属(堇菜科)两新异名 更详细进入...
A New Synonym of Panorpa tincta Navas,1931(Mecoptera:Panorpidae)
中文: 染翅蝎蛉Panorpa tincta Navas,1931一新异名 更详细进入...
Three New Synonyms of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.ex DC.(Fabaceae l.s.)
中文: 乌拉甘草(豆科)的3个新异名 更详细进入...
Two Species of Lace Bugs (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in East Asia and Their New Synonyms
中文: 东亚的两种网蝽及其新异名 更详细进入...
Three synonyms of Annonaceae in China
中文: 中国番荔枝科植物三新异名 更详细进入...
The alloimmunogenicity of liver specific antigen
中文: 肝特异性抗原的同种异体免疫原性 更详细进入...
Based on the experimental results, the diversities of the velours thermal conduction and ventilating in different directions and the mechanism which influence on its diversity are discussed.
中文: 通过实验分析了起绒织物的透气性与传热性在不同方向上的差异性及影响其差异性的机理。 更详细进入...
Six New Synonyms of Cyclosorus(Thelypteridaceae) from China
中文: 国产毛蕨属(金星蕨科)六新异名 更详细进入...
Typification and new synonyms of taxa in Dalbergia (Leguminosae)
中文: 黄檀属模式指定及新异名(英文) 更详细进入...
Of two homonyms: the later established, or in the case of simultaneous establishment the one not given precedence under Article 24.
中文: 两个异物同名:是指建立较迟的一个,或两个为同时建立的情况,据第24条为未获得优先地位的一个。 更详细进入...
A: So you agreed to differ?
中文: 所以你就求同存异? 更详细进入...
Of two homonyms: the first established, or in the case of simultaneous establishment the one given precedence under Article 24.
中文: 两个异物同名:是指首先建立的一个,或两个为同时建立的情况,据第24条为获得优先地位的一个。 更详细进入...
Liberal general education in China was the sane in a great degree as general education in America except the difference in their phase of mature.
中文: 摘要我国当前正实施的人文素质教育与美国的通识教育在实质上异曲同工,但在实践阶段上差距颇大。 更详细进入...
6 Every couple is not a pair.
中文: 同床异梦,貌合神离。 更详细进入...
Step 1:Choose one of each group to report the information which has been collected on English differences between different countries.
中文: 在每小组选一名学生汇报搜集到的有关不同国家之间文化差异方面的信息。 更详细进入...
8 Ingham Clark CL, Lear PA, Wood S, et al.Potential candidates for sma ll bowel transplantation.Br J Surg 1992;79:676-679.
中文: 9黎介寿,李宁,尹路,等.同种异体小肠移植术.中国实用外科杂志1994;14:755. 更详细进入...
中文: 短命植物异喙菊异形果实的两头下注策略 更详细进入...