To face the music means to accept responsibility or accept the punishment or consequences for something you have done.
中文: 意思是承担责任,接受惩罚或自己所造成的后果。 更详细进入...
Why don't we blame Mao's Massacre of his own people?
中文: 为什么我们不去谴责毛对他自己的子民的屠杀? 更详细进入...
Software entites should be open for extension,but closed?for modification.
中文: 开闭的原则是:一个软件实体对扩展开放,对修改关闭. 更详细进入...
They chose their own lots, and were righteously doomed to endure them.
中文: 他们各自选择了自己的命运,现在要各自承受,这是合情合理的。 更详细进入...
Don't assume more responsibility than you can handle. Don't be overconfident.
中文: 不要承担超过你承受能力的责任。不要过于自信。 更详细进入...
Freedom is a package deal with it comes responsibilities and consequences.
中文: 自由是一种整套交易它也同时带来责任和后果。 更详细进入...
Yet His purpose is achieved in our duty; and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another.
中文: 我们正在通过大家的努力在履行着各自的职责。 更详细进入...
If the danger arose from natural causes, the person who took the emergency actions may either be exempt from civil liability or bear civil liability to an appropriate extent.
中文: 如果危险是由自然原因引起的,紧急避险人不承担民事责任或者承担适当的民事责任。 更详细进入...
A person is not liable for debts contracted during his minority.
中文: 合同当事人一方为未成年人的,对其所缔结合同债务不承担法律责任。 更详细进入...
Article 45 The new partner who has been admitted to the partnership shall have equal rights, and share equal liabilities with the original partners.
中文: 第四十五条入伙的新合伙人与原合伙人享有同等权利,承担同等责任。 更详细进入...
Henry, the cry goes up, should be ashamed of himself.
中文: 谴责声越来越高,亨利应为自己的行为感到羞耻! 更详细进入...
If a child lives with pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself.
中文: 如果一个孩子生活在怜悯之中,他们学会了自责。 更详细进入...
Learn to make decisions consciously and responsibly. Act rather than react.
中文: 学习自觉和负责任地做出决定。行动而不是反应。 更详细进入...
Responsibility:At the top of the ladder is the gift of self-reliance.
中文: 第八阶责任:在阶梯的最顶端是自立更生的礼物。 更详细进入...
Suddenly, she found herself in control of the Post.
中文: 突然间,她感到管理邮报的责任落在了自己身上。 更详细进入...
Whoever will be accountable for one's actions, and so do we!
中文: 无论谁都要为自己的所作所为负责,我们也一样。 更详细进入...
Willing to take responsibility. Be devotional. Good ability in personal communications, cooperation and team work.
中文: 有责任心、工作投入。有团队精神,善于合作和沟通。 更详细进入...
Work with each functional leader on implementing IT projects in Fuel System.
中文: 和相关部门的负责人合作完成本公司的IT项目。 更详细进入...
Covalent binding of antibody is particularly beneficial if a detergent has to be used as the blocking agent of the residual surfaces.
中文: 如果去污剂作为残留表面的封闭剂,那么抗体的共价结合就特别有用。 更详细进入...
The statement in particular referred to last month's closure of a popular supplement to the China Youth Daily, Freezing Point.
中文: 联合声明特别提到上个月政府关闭颇受欢迎的中国青年报《冰点周刊》。 更详细进入...