Should I use Pycnogenol? instead of vitamins?
中文: 我可以用碧罗芷?代替维生素么? 更详细进入...
The clear water mirrored the blue sky.
中文: 清澈的水面映出了碧蓝的天空。 更详细进入...
A rocky moonlight in your arms.
中文: 一束摇动的月光在你的碧弯里。 更详细进入...
The country is very green in spring.
中文: 春天的时候,乡村一片青葱碧绿。 更详细进入...
The hardware decoration shall simply be wiped gently with clean duster cloth,do not use detergent containing chemical substances, glass and leather can be cleaned with Pledge.
中文: 五金装饰只须用洁净抹布搽拭,切忌用含有化学物质剂清洁,可用碧丽珠清洁玻璃和皮革。 更详细进入...
Heat the oil, then deep-fry the spring rolls, 2 at a time, until golden brown. Drain on kitchen paper. Serve the spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce and mixed salad leaves.
中文: 将油加热炸春卷,每次两个,直至金黄,放在餐纸上沥干油。佐以甜辣酱和综合碧绿沙拉食用。 更详细进入...
Richard: I will give you some hints first. She's tall, blonde and known as Hollywood's most alluring woman.
中文: 理查德:我先给你一些线索。她是身材高挑、金发碧眼,还被认为是好莱坞最有诱惑力的女人。 更详细进入...
Wing Sang Lung (HK) Ltd - specialized in metal trading industry. Trading on non-ferrous and ferrous metals.
中文: 星辉金属制品厂-生产各类五金零件、配件及金属制品。有各类型电池片、电源开关片、高频屏蔽片、以及抑角承托轴等产品。 更详细进入...
The tea saint Lu Yu wrote in his voluminous grand work Tea Scripture: “Tea that grows on Qingcheng Mountain Zhangren Peak, is the top-rank of teas.
中文: 茶圣陆羽于其煌煌巨著《茶经》中写道:“茶生青城丈人峰,为茶中上品”。 更详细进入...
And David said, Solomon my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be builded for the Lord must be exceeding magnifical, of fame and of glory throughout all countries: I will therefore now make preparation for it.
中文: 代上22:4大卫说、我儿子所罗门、还年幼娇嫩、要为耶和华建造的殿宇、必须高大辉煌、使名誉荣耀、传遍万国.所以我要为殿豫备材料。 更详细进入...
By the time the two nations faced each other in 1966, the newly formed West Germany had claimed a World Cup, but it was England who were to triumph on home soil in a game that remains the high point of the Three Lions' illustrious history.
中文: 1966年两队再次相遇,新组成的西德队预夺取世界杯,但英格兰在家门口的比赛中取得胜利,也是三狮军团历史上最辉煌的一笔。 更详细进入...
If yes, it shows philosophy is accordant with aesthetics, there is great necessary linkage between them; philosophy is to research the essence of substance, while aesthetics is to search the brilliant reappearance of essence.
中文: 如果正是,那么说明哲学与美学是一致的,它们之间有着重大的必然联系;哲学是研究事物的本质,而美学是研究本质的辉煌再现。 更详细进入...
The company be in the light ofbeg production by quality, protect a development by prestigeThe dream of today, the brilliancy of the tomorrow, in you my talks and cooperation, the DAMSUNG electronics develops with you together, creating fine tomorrow toget
中文: 公司本着以质量求生产,以信誉保发展今日的梦想,明日的辉煌,就在你我的洽谈和合作中,鼎盛电子与你共同发展,共创美好明天! 更详细进入...
The development of the persistencescience and technology business enterprise, the quantity signs the factoryof our company is strategic, being in the light of the management aim ofthe prestige first, customer is highest, wishing to cooperate with business
中文: 本公司坚持“科技企业,质量立厂”的发展战略,本着“信誉第一、用户至上”的经营宗旨,愿与海内外客商真诚合作,共创辉煌灿烂的明天……. 更详细进入...
This bright necklace displays a gleaming goldplated star and a twinkling star of Austrian crystals.
中文: 这款项链,更显出镀金五星和奥地利水晶的熠熠星辉,给人以欢快的感觉。 更详细进入...
Don't be misled by the setting or the gold around the diamonds - the whiteness should always be able to shine through.
中文: 不要被底托或钻石周围的黄金误导——那绚目的光辉应该总能发射光彩的。 更详细进入...
Beijing steps the Asian especially inorganic building materials technical research institute below the unceasing innovation is throughout the idea, the foothold good faith, from all walks of life hand in hand again creates the environmental protection, th
中文: 北京迈亚特无机建材技术研究所始终以下不断创新为理念,立足诚信,与社会各界携手再创环保、节能、利废的新型建筑材料的辉煌。 更详细进入...
Iraq has one of the most glorious ancient civilisations created by man, with extant artefacts dating back more than 5000 years, a substantial number of which were showcased at the National Museum.
中文: 伊拉克的所在地是最早的古代文明之一,曾有过辉煌灿烂的历史,并拥有许多超过5000年的古文物,其中大部分珍藏在国家博物馆里。 更详细进入...
To meet the growing material and cultural needs of people and reappear the glory history of the millenarianism, modern Shu brocade handicraftsmen have now developed and produced, based on the study of the relevant ancient rare books, the second generation
中文: 今天为满足人们日趋增长的物质文化需求,再现太平盛世的历史辉煌,现代蜀锦艺人们采用古人秘籍生产出了第二代文字锦《兰亭序》。 更详细进入...
People in the west of Guangxi sing the praises of the CCP and new life, things and ideas to develop national traditions and recreate splendid national art.
中文: 新时期的桂西人民弘扬民族传统,再创民族艺术的辉煌。 他们歌颂党,歌颂新生活、新事物、新观念,山歌呈现出与旧社会绝然不同的特点。 更详细进入...