CYCB has build a breeding base for 2000 calf and can produce 20,000 high priority beeves annually.
中文: 目前建有2000头育种规模的繁育基地,年出栏2万头优质肉牛。 更详细进入...
The audacity of the chief's proposal nearly paralysed them.
中文: 头目的大胆建议几乎把他们吓呆了。 更详细进入...
In a drive to reduce waste and increase recycling, Japan is raising the number of trash categories to dizzying heights, but the citizens are just not used to it.
中文: 为减少浪费并提高回收利用率,日本政府细化了垃圾分类,类别多到令人头晕.对此,日本民众很不适应. 更详细进入...
OBJECTIVE To improve the process of the synthesis of Cefsulodin.
中文: 摘要目的改进头孢磺啶的合成工艺。 更详细进入...
Effects of Intensity of Glare on Visual Performance in High luminance
中文: 眩光强度对较高亮度视觉判读作业绩效的影响 更详细进入...
P: My appetite's all right. I just feel tired. My legs are so weak sometimes, I can't even climb the stairs. Occasionally, I feel short of breath and giddy.
中文: 我的食欲还好。我只是感到疲劳。有时我的两腿特别无力,我甚至不能爬楼梯。有时候我觉得气短和头晕。 更详细进入...
Sky Sports' touchline reporter Jeff Shreeves informed the watching public that Terry had been taken to hospital feeling extremely groggy, with poor memory recall, but conscious.
中文: 天空体育的报道员证实在被送往医院的时候感到头晕眼花/无力并且伴有失忆症状,但是是有意识的. 更详细进入...
OBJECTIVE: Headache is a common finding in the postpartum period, and there are limited data describing the cause and treatment of women with postpartum headache.
中文: 目的:头痛是产后常见症状,但产后头痛病因及治疗的资料有限。 更详细进入...
If he takes an airplane or a ship, he may toss his cookies.
中文: (假如他乘飞机或船,他也许会晕吐。) 更详细进入...
Two spots of colour brightened her cheeks.
中文: 脸颊上的两片红晕,使她满脸生辉。 更详细进入...
You really took my breath away! I almost keeled over.
中文: 你真的让我大吃一惊!我几乎晕倒。 更详细进入...
Observation of the sea sickness prophylactic effect of pulvis zingiber siccus
中文: 口服干姜粉预防晕船的效果观察 更详细进入...
Venus' little black disk, which could only be seen gliding across the blinding sun through special telescopes brought from England, couldn't compete with Tahiti itself.
中文: 只有用从英国带来的特殊望远镜才能观测到的金星的小黑圈从眩目的太阳上滑过,不可能在塔西提岛上完成。 更详细进入...
Also, a by-product of the corona is heat.
中文: 又由于﹐靠近电线制品的电晕是热的。 更详细进入...
Are there any new initiatives into the triggers of vasovagal syncope?
中文: 是否有新的迷走性晕厥的作用机制? 更详细进入...
The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride.
中文: 土匪头目决定把告密者开车带走杀掉。 更详细进入...
The cone needs to be sampled to get volumetric shadow, and the sampling occurs with a step defined by the HaloStep NumButton (Halo Step NumButton.).
中文: 圆锥体需要被采样,以获得立方体阴影。采样步长由光晕步长数字按钮设定(光晕步长数字按钮。)。 更详细进入...
EB: Sir, turn the boat rudder directly to the whirlpool.
中文: 海尔兄:爷爷,把船头掉过来,目标大旋涡。 更详细进入...
It was even more pleasing to look at in the morning light.
中文: 它在早晨的光线里头则越发赏心悦目。 更详细进入...
The advances in the research of Hecalinae from China(Hemiptera: Cicadellidae)*
中文: 铲头叶蝉亚科(半翅目:叶蝉科)研究进展 更详细进入...