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    He said they include legalizing hundreds of religious meeting places and allowing for hundreds of new clergy members to be trained.

    中文: 他说,其中包括将几百个宗教集会地点合法化,并允许数百名新教士接受培训。 更详细进入...
    If applicants are worried about having too many valuable lessons, the Hertfordshire academics also recommend avoiding other less than positive words, such as panic, problemsand awful.

    中文: 如果求职者担心自己“宝贵教训”太多的话,赫特福德大学的研究者们还建议大家尽量不要使用那些不太积极的单词,例如:恐慌、问题和可怕的。 更详细进入...
    NR: You travel all over the world training teachers. What kinds of cultural differences and the influence of these on teachers, have you observed?

    中文: 您走遍全世界培训教师。您有没有感觉到教师哪种文化差异以及它们的影响? 更详细进入...
    Parents should teach their kids not to have itchy fingers.

    中文: 父母应该教导孩子不可有偷窃行为。 更详细进入...
    You therefore who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach not to steal, do you steal?

    中文: 21这样,你这教导别人的,不教导自己么?你这传讲不可偷窃的,自己偷窃么? 更详细进入...
    The implementation stage includes role play, field exercise, monitoring the trainee on job by teacher, and teacher gives evaluation to trainee performance and various teaching methods.

    中文: 根据不同英语教学内容,通过角色扮演、实地训练、讲师与员工进行实地演练,讲师给予评估等方式实施教学计划。 更详细进入...
    Acts 17:19 And they took hold of him and led him to the Areopagus, saying, May we know what this new teaching is which is being spoken by you?

    中文: 徒十七19他们就拉住保罗,把他带到亚略巴古,说,你所讲的这新教训是什么,我们可以知道么? 更详细进入...
    Since most of them have never had an opportunity to use computer, the training began with turning on and off the computer. Basic computer and Internet skills were the main courses offered, according to the trainer.

    中文: 据负责培训的老师介绍,由于这些女教师大多数从来没接触过电脑,所以培训班将从开关机器教起,主要进行计算机基本操作和网络知识的讲座以适应不同学员的水平。 更详细进入...
    All teaching materials, including Training Manuals and DVD's are available in Chinese and English.

    中文: 所有教学资料包括培训手册,录像都提供中英文版本。 更详细进入...
    Project supported by the Trans-Century Training Program Foundation for Talents from the Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. ).

    中文: 国家教育部跨世纪人才训练基金(批准号:)资助的课题. 更详细进入...
    Postoperative nursing experience of microsurgical flaps and composite tissue grafting;

    中文: 显微外科皮瓣及复合组织移植术后护理经验及教训 更详细进入...
    Technical Analysis and Correction of Dribble with Head Low in the Teaching and Training

    中文: 对篮球教学训练中低头运球的技术分析及纠正方法 更详细进入...
    The training in mainland would be insufficient.

    中文: 大陆的训练并不足够。 更详细进入...
    1My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes.

    中文: 诗119:171愿我的嘴发出赞美的话.因为你将律例教训我。 更详细进入...
    That the Sermon on the Mount contains the sum and substance of Christianity.

    中文: 耶稣登山训众论福所讲的一切包含了基督教的精义。 更详细进入...
    There, she trained nurses in women and children's health care.

    中文: 在那里,她训练护士教妇女和儿童们的卫生保健工作。 更详细进入...
    To be betrayed by the one you trust most and love most is a lesson or you asked for it ?

    中文: 被自己信任和深爱的人出卖,是最大的教训?抑或活该? 更详细进入...
    This team spirit is evident throughout the squad, though friendships are put aside on the training pitch when the manager decides to split the players into groups to compete.

    中文: 球队受到鼓舞在球场在随处可见,在训练场上,教练鼓励我们把友情放在一边,积极的去竞争。 更详细进入...
    This article mainly explore teaching thought of ancient Chinese and outline the teaching mode of "Read me——study and discuss——training" in the teaching practice, It has certain guidance significance for the teaching.

    中文: 主要探讨文言文教学的思路,在实践中总结出“自读——研讨——训练”的教学模式,对教学有一定的指导意义。 更详细进入...
    Shortly, training periods will begin.

    中文: 不久,训练阶段将开始。 更详细进入...

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