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    Its sandy beach is often strewn with litter and it is hard to find much better food than a burger.

    中文: 那儿的沙滩上总是丢满垃圾,在那里也很难找到比汉堡更美味的食品。 更详细进入...
    They might know that if they “sugar out” they may crash emotionally, or if they drink too much they will feel hung over, but they are often unaware of how other foods may be creating anxiety and depression.

    中文: 人们也许知道,每当他们贪恋甜食就可能伤害情绪,或者只要饮酒过多就会余醉未醒,感到难受,但是,他们通常不知道,很多其它食物也是影响焦虑和抑郁的原因。 更详细进入...
    Old age: A diminished sense of taste and smell, loneliness, physical and mental handicaps, immobility, and chronic illness can militate against adequate dietary intake in the elderly.

    中文: 老年人味觉和嗅觉减退、孤独、身体与精神障碍、不活动以及慢性疾病都会影响上老年人摄入足够的食物。 更详细进入...
    Gingko(Gingko nuts)has ever been regarded by people as the superior among the foodstuffs.Owing to its rich nourishment and pure taste,it served as a wild rarity and tribute for the royal courts.

    中文: 银杏(白果)自古到今就被人们作为食品中的上品,因其营养丰富、口味纯正,是民间不可多得的贡品野珍。 更详细进入...
    Organic radish are sweet, rich in minerals such as zinc, calcium and magnesium. It helps to improve skin and bone health.

    中文: 此乃有机食品,味道清新香甜,含有大量的锌、钙和镁,除不会致肥外,同时有助改善皮肤、骨骼细胞的健康。 更详细进入...
    The face is no index to the heart.

    中文: 面孔不是心灵的标志。(或:知人知面不知心。) 更详细进入...
    Ocelot: It was the smell that gave her away. No, not the perfume. It was gasoline... Motorcycle gasoline. She reeked of it.

    中文: 是这味道出卖了她,不,不是香水,是汽油...摩托车汽油,她身上全是那种味道。 更详细进入...
    The article discussed application of nutriology and phagoiatreusiology in traditional Chinese medicine from natural theory of five viscera center, food function and accustomization nature and following the principle of controlling drink and food, comforta

    中文: 从以五脏为中心、食物性能、顺应自然等理论出发,以节饮食、适寒湿、合理搭配、谨和五味、三因制宜为原则,论述了中医营养食疗学的理论及应用。 更详细进入...
    Try reaching Dad's heart through his stomach.Pick up grill-worthy items like some thick and juicy steaks or cater to his sweet tooth with a Fairytale Brownie gift box.

    中文: 送合他胃口的食物或许最合他的心意。挑些烧烤类的食物例如香浓多汁的烤肉或者给喜欢甜食的父亲送一盒美味的核仁巧克力饼礼品盒。 更详细进入...
    [NIV] Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive.

    中文: 不可贪恋他的美食,因为是哄人的食物。 更详细进入...
    There are odor technicians in the perfume trade with the olfactory skill to distinguish 19,000 different odors at twenty levels of intensity each.

    中文: 香水行业中的气味专家具有了不起的嗅觉,他们能区别出19,000种不同的气味,每一种气味能区别出20种浓度。 更详细进入...
    That food which is stale, tasteless, putrid, decomposed, foul and impure as well as the leavings of others is dear to one in nescience.

    中文: 那些陈腐无味儿的,腐烂的,分解了的,污秽不洁的以及别人的残羹剩饭为无知的人所喜欢。 更详细进入...
    Vernon: I know it's yours. I could smell you getting out of the elevator.

    中文: 弗农:我知道那是你的。你一出电梯我就闻出你的味儿来了。 更详细进入...
    Nobody knows it.Nobody will be the wiser.

    中文: 谁也不知道。谁也不会知道。 更详细进入...
    Optimism mea expecting the best, but confidence mea knowing how you will handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.

    中文: 乐观主义意味着期望最好的情况发生。自信心意味着知道一旦最坏的情况发生你会怎样处理。如果你只是乐观而已,千万不要轻举妄动。 更详细进入...
    Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how you will handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.

    中文: 乐观主义意味着期望最好的情况发生。自信心意味着知道一旦最坏的情况发生你会怎样处理。如果你只是乐观而已,千万不要轻举妄动。 更详细进入...
    I just can't stand the odor.

    中文: 我只是不能忍受这个味道。 更详细进入...
    This kind of fast food is not fit for my appetite.

    中文: 这种快餐不适合我的口味。 更详细进入...
    Cats now live on cat food rather than catching rats for their food.

    中文: 猫已以猫粮为主食而不是抓老鼠为食。 更详细进入...
    Anyone knows which forums or websits about organic food is good?

    中文: 谁知道哪个关于有机食品的论坛或网站比较好? 更详细进入...

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