干细胞 蛋白质组 癌症 人参 移植 化疗 糖尿病
Synergism of roxythromycin and imipenem to Pseudomonas aeruginasa in biofilm
中文: 亚胺培南联合罗红霉素对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的作用 更详细进入...
Apply some butter on another pot and stir fried the diced carrots, diced paprika and diced onions. And then pour it in pot with cooked minced pork.
中文: 另一个热锅涂上牛油将红萝卜丁,红,绿,黄椒丁及洋葱丁炒熟.然后加入在炒熟的猪肉碎里. 更详细进入...
Double pale pink. Medium green, heart-shaped, pointed. Standard Trailer.
中文: 重瓣的淡粉红色花。中绿色叶,心状的普通叶型。标准悬垂型。 更详细进入...
Double white pansy. Variegated dark green, ovate/red back. Semiminiature.
中文: 重瓣的白色堇型花。深绿色的圆形斑叶,红色叶背。半迷你型。 更详细进入...
Semidouble-double fuchsia large frilled star/thin white-green edge.
中文: 半重瓣到重瓣的大朵折边星形花,樱红色底,细的白绿色边。 更详细进入...
Effects of Red Light on Calcium Accumulation,Activities of ATPase and NAD Kinase in Mitochondria Isolated from Hypocotyl Segments of Mung Bean
中文: 红光对绿豆下胚轴线粒体Ca2 积累、ATPase及NAD激酶活性的影响 更详细进入...
The greens on 10GY in the Green Chart: mugwort-back green, Jialing River green, tender lily green, grasshopper green, water green, hydrangea green, mantis green, pea green, chalcedony green, leafy green, Parisian green, plum green, plum green, fluorite gr
中文: 绿谱,一○GY的绿,艾背绿、嘉陵水绿、嫩荷绿、纺织娘绿、水绿、绣球绿、螳螂绿、豌豆绿、玉髓绿、青菜绿、巴黎绿、青梅绿、萤石绿、秧绿、莴苣绿、豆绿、琉璃绿、藻绿、柞蚕绿、麦浪绿、蛇胆绿、青豆绿、淡灰绿、深琉璃绿、浮萍绿、草绿、紫杉绿。 更详细进入...
The formation process of green loose stone, be called an outside to living to pour to filter on the geology because of, matching these conditional rocks is the volcano of the acidity jet of rock with contain rich mineral apatite of granite, Be matching th
中文: 绿松石的形成过程,地质上称为外生淋滤成因,符合这些条件的岩石是酸性的火山喷出的岩和含富矿物磷灰石的花岗岩,在地球上,符合这些条件成为绿松石的矿物罕见稀少,是很珍贵的稀有珍宝. 更详细进入...
Semidouble medium blue star/pink and rose fantasy. Dark green, ovate, quilted/red back. Large.
中文: 半重瓣星型花,中蓝色底,有粉红色和玫瑰色喷点。深绿色叶,叶脉向上气状突起,红色叶背。大型。 更详细进入...
At night, ships at sea carry a red light on the port side and a green light on the starboard.
中文: 夜晚,在港口左边一边的海船上有红灯,在右舷的船上有绿灯。 更详细进入...
Double dark pink sticktite pansy/blue fantasy, green frilled edge.
中文: 重瓣,深粉红色有蓝色的喷点,镶绿色波浪边,不掉落的菫型花。 更详细进入...
Medium green, spooned, quilted, glossy, serrated/red back. Large.
中文: 中绿色汤匙型叶,叶脉凹凸,叶面光滑,锯齿叶缘,红色叶背。大型。 更详细进入...
Medium green, pointed, glossy, hairy, scalloped/red back. Semiminiature.
中文: 中绿色一般型叶,叶面光滑多毛,扇子状,有红色叶背。半迷你型。 更详细进入...
Single-semidouble light pink star/beige overlay, brown-green edge.
中文: 单瓣~半重瓣星状花,亮粉红色,带有些许的灰褐色,镶咖啡绿边。 更详细进入...
Double wine-red large ruffled star. Variegated dark green and beige, plain, serrated/red back. Large.
中文: 重瓣酒红色大朵皱折星形花。深绿色和灰褐色组合成的一般型斑叶,锯齿叶缘,叶背红色。大型。 更详细进入...
Green, brown, and red are the most popular food colors. Red is often used in restaurant decorating schemes because it is an appetite stimulant.
中文: 绿色,棕色和红色是最流行的食物色.红色能够刺激人的胃口,所以通常作为餐馆中的装饰色. 更详细进入...
Semidouble medium blue star. Crown variegated dark green, pink, tan, and beige/red back. Semiminiature.
中文: 半重瓣中蓝色星型花。深绿色,粉红色,黄褐色和灰褐色组合成的皇冠斑叶,红色叶背。半迷你型。 更详细进入...
Single hot pink sticktite pansy/variable white edge. Medium green, serrated/red back. Semiminiature.
中文: 单瓣不掉落的热情粉红色堇型花,变异时有白色镶边。中绿色叶,锯齿叶缘,红色叶背。半迷你型。 更详细进入...
Bright yellow,fruit-green and lake-blue composes a sport tint as the theme of relaxation and happiness.Bright yellow,diamond-blue,lilac,pink,orange and olivine assort randomly and form a harmonious contrast.The new combination with lime green and dark red
中文: 以亮黄、果绿、湖蓝构成一组轻松、愉悦为主调的动运色彩,亮黄、宝蓝、绿紫、粉红、桔红、黄绿等各自独立的色彩随机搭配形成一种谐调的对比,酸橙绿与浆果紫的崭新组合等带来极富创意的新配色传出充满朝气的乐观态度。 更详细进入...
Double fuchsia fluted pansy/wide white edge. Dark green. Standard.
中文: 重瓣堇型花,樱红色底,花瓣有沟槽,宽的白边。深绿色叶。标准型。 更详细进入...
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