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    Workers lose productivity by interrupting a busine meeting and disrupt social gatherings because of their infirmity, the report said.

    中文: 报告中说,因为工人们的虚弱,他们失去了中断业务会议和打断社会收款的生产率。 更详细进入...
    At one point the door to the room on the right opened and the spirits rushed in. We wiped at this point, our PUG was weak.

    中文: 有一点,房间右边的门打开后所有的灵魂冲了进去.我们扑在这里,我们的PUG太弱了. 更详细进入...
    Workers lose productivity by interrupting a business meeting and disrupt social gatherings because of their infirmity, the report said.

    中文: 报告中说,因为工人们的虚弱,他们失去了中断业务会议和打断社会收款的生产率。 更详细进入...
    In middle and high mountain areas, the landform is complex, the flying altitude should be relatively high, and the intensity of magnetic anomalies detected by aeromagnetic survey is hence relatively weak.

    中文: 摘要中高山地区的地形复杂,飞行高度较高,航磁测量获得的磁异常强度相对弱小。 更详细进入...
    Lady Macbeth possesses both the feminine characteristics such as carefulness and frailty and masculine characters such as calmness and braveness. Androgynyis by no means synonymous with neither male nor female or transexual person.

    中文: 麦克白夫人既有女性本身的细腻及软弱,又显现出勇敢无畏、坚强冷静的男性特征。 更详细进入...
    Relationship between full-length sequence characteristics of the vacA gene from high-cytotoxic and low-cytotoxic Helicobacter pylori in China and VacA activities

    中文: 中国幽门螺杆菌强细胞毒株和弱细胞毒株vacA基因全长序列特征与VacA活性的关系 更详细进入...
    Thus, the piping-induced failure of two-layer foundation was verified as that: mass flow firstly appears in the upper weakly permeable layer, and then underground erosion and scouring gradually occur from downstream to upstream between the serviously and

    中文: 从而验证了二元结构堤基的渗透破坏模式为:首先在上层弱透水层中发生流土,然后在强、弱透水层之间发生自下游向上游的逐步潜蚀冲刷。 更详细进入...

    中文: 脆弱生态区类型划分及其脆弱特征分析 更详细进入...
    Moreover, a stable, prosperous and powerful China rather than a troubled, poverty-stricken and enfeebled one accommodates the interests of America better.

    中文: 一个稳定、繁荣、强大的中国,而不是一个动乱、贫穷与衰弱的中国更符合美国的利益。 更详细进入...
    The Architect - Humph. Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness.

    中文: 设计师:哼。希望,最典型的人类错觉。它既是你们最强大的力量又是你们最大的弱点。 更详细进入...
    A place of refuge or rest; a sanctuary.

    中文: 避难所避难或休息的地方;庇护所 更详细进入...
    In addition, guanxi in China represents not just a culture of weak ties; it profoundly cultivates the Chinese social structure owing to its powerful agency to transform its weak valence toward the strong end.

    中文: 作者还提出,中国的“关系”不仅是一种弱关系文化,而且由于它善于促成弱关系向强关系的方向转化,善于从弱关系的动员中释放出巨大的社会能量,因而深刻地塑造了中国的社会结构形态。 更详细进入...
    High strength, good volume stability, low thml. Cond.,and can be installed by casting, gunning or ramming.

    中文: 强度高,烧后线变化小,导热率低,可浇注、喷射、捣打施工。 更详细进入...
    Despite the problems, Deschamps has insisted that he is aiming to head back to Turin with three points.

    中文: 尽管问题重重,德尚依然强调他打算拿走三分回都灵。 更详细进入...
    If they should force war on us, we'll fight them to the bitter end.

    中文: 如果他们把战争强加给我们,我们就要和他们打到底。 更详细进入...
    The adjective avoidable comes from the verb to avoid and describes something that can be avoided.

    中文: 形容词“可以避免的”来自于单词“避免”,描述那些可以避免的事情。 更详细进入...
    He even kills a man -- who gives him and his daughter shelter in an underground bunker -- to survive.

    中文: 为了生存,他甚至杀害了一个打开自己地下室,为他和他的女儿提供避难处的人。 更详细进入...
    With arms lowered, he evaded punches by bending backwards at the waist -- a defensive move that at the time was seen as sheer lunacy.

    中文: 他垂下手臂,往后弯腰闪避打来的拳头──这在当时被认为是极为愚蠢的防御动作。 更详细进入...
    NEW YORK - The one weakness of Chien-Ming Wang - and it is far more of a minor fault than a major failing - is that he doesn't strike out enough hitters.

    中文: 小王有一项非常微不足道,通常不会造成惨重灾情的弱点,那就是他不太会三振打者。 更详细进入...
    When install the connector box, fixed the cable ends into line to avoid cable twist; Fixed cable strengthen pieces including metal-strengthening core and metal outer security layer to ensure no electric connectivity.

    中文: 安装接头盒时,固定好两端进线光缆,避免光缆扭动;固定光缆加强件,包括金属加强芯和金属外护层,确保电气不连通。 更详细进入...

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