Lutein and Lutein Epoxide-Lutein Cycle in Plants
中文: 植物黄体素(Lutein)与环氧化黄体素-黄体素循环 更详细进入...
What is the probability of choosing a yellow or a red pencil without looking?
中文: 如果没有看,选择一支黄色的和一支红色的铅笔有什么可能? 更详细进入...
Saffron is very bright yellow.
中文: 金黄色是很亮的黄色。 更详细进入...
Relations of Daily Activity Patterns to Age and Flock of Wintering Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) at Napa Lake,Shangri-La in Yunnan
中文: 云南纳帕海越冬黑颈鹤日间行为模式与年龄和集群的关系 更详细进入...
Analysis of effect of wetland ecological environment change in Xianghai nature reserve on number and distribution of Red-crowned Crane
中文: 向海湿地生态环境变化对丹顶鹤数量及其分布的影响分析 更详细进入...
Genetic structure of wintering Hooded Cranes (Grus monacha) based on mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequences
中文: 基于线粒体D-loop序列的白头鹤越冬种群遗传结构研究(英文) 更详细进入...
中文: 准噶尔盆地荒漠区短命植物——狭果鹤虱光合与蒸腾特性研究 更详细进入...
Study on the animal foods of wintering Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis)at Dashanbao reserve,Zhaotong,Yunnan
中文: 云南昭通大山包自然保护区越冬黑颈鹤的动物性食物研究 更详细进入...
As of 1995, only 17 percent of the world's land area remained truly wild ? with no human populations, crops, road access or night-time light detectable by satellite, the authors reported.
中文: 作者指出,至一九九五年,全世界只有百分之十七的土地杳无人烟—无人居住、没有农作物、道路以及能被卫星侦测的夜间照明。 更详细进入...
The men cannot mail you more that 10 words at a time, you simply have to drag something out of them or you simply do not hear from them again.
中文: 人们每次给你发送电子邮件都只有寥寥数语,你要么自己从这片言只语中去寻找重点,要么他们从此就再也杳无音信了。 更详细进入...
Kites are a childhood toy for most people, but not for Buteo Huang.
中文: 对许多人来说,风筝只是童年的玩具,但对黄景桢却不是如此。 更详细进入...
Analysis of Soil Microbial Diversity by Phospholipid Fatty Acid Method in Coniferous Forest and Schima superba Plantation in Heshan,Guangdong Province
中文: 磷脂脂肪酸法分析鹤山针叶林和荷木林的土壤微生物多样性 更详细进入...
Of a light olive brown or khaki color.
中文: 浅黄褐色的或土黄褐色 更详细进入...
Breeding Habitat Suitability Evaluation of Red-crown Crane in Zhalong National Nature Reserve by the Method of Habitat Suitability Index
中文: 基于HSI模型的扎龙国家级自然保护区丹顶鹤繁殖生境适宜性评价 更详细进入...
The Changes of Ecological Characteristics of Degraded Hilly Grassland during the Transformation from Herb Dominance to Shrub Dominance in Heshan, Guangdong
中文: 广东鹤山退化草坡从草本优势向灌木优势演变过程中的生态特征 更详细进入...
Agrimopholum constituents extracted from concrete of gemma agrimoninae by supercritical fluid extraction method and organic solvent method were examinated by the chemical analysis method.
中文: 摘要用超临界流体萃取和溶剂萃取两种方法从鹤草芽中萃取中药成分鹤草酚,运用化学方法对浸膏进行了各种性能测定,证明其是酚性混合物。 更详细进入...
If we are in our hometown, then my digital secretary may know the object reference of yellow pages.
中文: 如果我们在家乡,那么我的数字助理会知道黄页上的对象引用。 更详细进入...
If the Hornets win over the Clippers, the Lakers will still possess a magic number of two to close New Orelans out.
中文: 如果黄蜂赢了,那么湖人仍将以两个胜场的优势把黄蜂踢出季后赛。(??真的这样?怎么算的?输好过赢?作者说错了?) 更详细进入...
That is one reason why, gram for gram, pharmaceutical-quality human proteins are dearer than gold.
中文: 因为这样,制药等级的人类蛋白质如以重量计价,可比黄金还贵。 更详细进入...
Comparing of Feeding Habitat Selection between the Wild and Semi-domestic White-naped Crane during the Pre-breeding Period in Zhalong Wetland
中文: 扎龙湿地野生与散养白枕鹤繁殖前期觅食生境选择对比分析 更详细进入...