Topdressing fertilizers for swelling of kernels are manufactured at ambient temperature from organo-mineral fertilizers in the double-roll granulator without any drying, thereby giving full play to the characteristics of high nutrient content and quick fe
中文: 以无机-有机肥料为原料,采用对辊式造粒机无干燥工艺于常温下生产花生膨果追施肥,既可充分发挥无机肥养分含量高、肥效快的特点,又可发挥有机质改善土壤性能、肥效长的优点。 更详细进入...
Gently pull and bend the column.
中文: 轻轻地弯曲柱。 更详细进入...
I have laughed at lightly.
中文: 我轻轻地笑了。 更详细进入...
A: Damn! She has a big ass (=butt).
中文: (见鬼,她的屁股真肥!) 更详细进入...
And often they gained back even more.
中文: 甚至比减肥前更重。 更详细进入...
Do some fertilization for the garden!
中文: 给花园施些肥料吧! 更详细进入...
I have no stomach for fat meat .
中文: 我对肥肉没有胃口。 更详细进入...
I really need to lose some weight.
中文: 我真的需要减肥了。 更详细进入...
She has been taking exercises to lose weight from day to day.
中文: 她每天锻炼来减肥。 更详细进入...
Student A: Do you like being fat?
中文: 学生A:你想肥胖吗? 更详细进入...
A survey of acupuncture therapy-a way of banting
中文: 浅谈针灸减肥疗法 更详细进入...
Roman Christian who, according to tradition, was martyred as a virgin at the age of13. She is the patron saint of young girls.
中文: 阿格尼斯罗马基督徒,据传13岁时作为处女而殉教。她是年轻少女的保护神 更详细进入...
She sat down in a gingerly manner.
中文: 她轻轻地坐下. 更详细进入...
It is suitable for all kinds of chemical grain material: fertilizer, potassic-fertilizer, urea, chemical raw material, additive and PVC etc.
中文: 各种颗粒化工用物料,如化肥,钾肥,尿素,化工原料,添加剂,PVC等。 更详细进入...
You can change the way your body looks by losing or gaining weight, trying a new hair style.
中文: 你可以通过减肥、增肥或者尝试新的发型来改变形体外观。 更详细进入...
Evaluation of the Bio-organic Compound Fertilizer Efficiency and Effect on Microorganisms in Soil
中文: 生物有机无机复混肥肥效评价及其对土壤微生物的影响 更详细进入...
Applying Different Fixatives and Staining Methods to Ascertain Distribution of Mast Cells in Pachyhynobius shangchengensis
中文: 应用不同固定及染色方法确定商城肥鲵肥大细胞的分布 更详细进入...
The highly successful Young Scientist Sessions, Educational Workshops, Releasing Technologies, Soapbox Sessions, and Industrial Session will all be included in the Long Beach program.
中文: 会议里还将包含高度成功的年轻科学工作者会议,教育研究准提讨论会,释放技术,肥皂盒会议,产业性会议。 更详细进入...
Young, C. C. 1990. Effects of Biofertilizer on the Growth and P Uptake of Legumes. Proceedings of a Symposium on Soil and Fertility Management of Legume Crops. 217-225.
中文: 杨秋忠?1990?微生物肥料对豆类生产及磷肥吸收之研究?豆类作物土壤与肥培管理研讨会专集217-225. 更详细进入...