At that time, his virtuosity on the violin had no parallel in classical music.
中文: 当时在古典音乐他小提琴的技艺是无与伦比的。 更详细进入...
A modulated signal of cos(2*pi*Freq*tt), freq = 2(MHz) multiplied by a carrier with zero mean Uniform phase noise. is demonstrated for 2-D dependence of the waveform on time and trials and 2-D dependence of spectrum on frequency and trials to show differe
中文: 以弦波电压讯号乘上含有均匀相位杂讯载波之调变讯号为例,图示含有杂讯电压讯号其波形随时间及试验之二维变动及频谱随频率及试验之二维变动,显示杂讯与讯号之随机过程在时域与频域之不同特性。 更详细进入...
E-zine Directories - Online directories of periodically published electronic newsletters.
中文: 电子通讯录锌-网上电子通讯名录,定期公布. 更详细进入...
It is an innocent finding, usually heard in the lower anterior portion of the neck.
中文: 这种持续的低音调杂音起源于静脉血流速的增加,对健康无害,可在颈前下部听到。 更详细进入...
Anything was preferable to that dreadful din in the house.
中文: 这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加. 更详细进入...
Disclaimer:The definition of this website is a free platform for releasing information; and it is not related to the people who upload the materials.
中文: 严正声明:本网站定义为免费摆放资讯平台及与上载人仕绝无任何关连。 更详细进入...
Missive. You send a one-way telepathic message to subject.
中文: 心灵短讯:向目标送出一条单向的心灵短讯。 更详细进入...
Publishing periodicals (Briefing of SCVS and Library Briefing).
中文: 八、出版刊物(主编三重商工简讯、图书馆馆讯)。 更详细进入...
RSF says it hopes this declaration 「will provoke discussion in the run-up to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
中文: 无疆界记者组织希望这份宣言「能够在资讯社会世界高峰会前激起讨论」。 更详细进入...
Still, however intractable reality may be, pollsters are under pressure to send a clear message.
中文: 不过,无论事实多么难以理解,也迫切需要民意测验专家们给出明确讯息。 更详细进入...
Ah,thou hast made my heart captive in the endless meshes of thy music,my master!
中文: 呵,我的心已被你无尽的音乐之网俘虏,我的主人! 更详细进入...
However, they were afraid of sound and light.
中文: 这些无恶不做的坏东西害怕爆炸的声音和亮光。 更详细进入...
There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication.
中文: 毫无疑问,收音机和电视是信息交流的重要工具。 更详细进入...
Neo-Vienna group, represented by Schoenberg ended the era of the classical tonal music and started the free, atonal manner, the twelve pitches serial music, which later was called by other composers as integral serialism.
中文: 摘要以勋伯格为代表的新维也纳乐派使传统的调性音乐走到了尽头,开创了自由无调性音乐,十二音序列音乐,后来又被其他作曲家继续发展为整体序列音乐。 更详细进入...
EVEN IF WE ARE MOSTLY driven by unconscious thoughts, this does not prove anything about Freud's claim that we actively repress unpalatable information.
中文: 即使我们大都受到无意识想法的趋策,但还是无法证实佛洛伊德的主张:我们会主动压抑不愉快的讯息。 更详细进入...
Instead of wastefully broadcasting personal communications—such as cell-phone calls—in all directions, these innovative antennas track the positions of mobile users and deliver radio signals directly to them.
中文: 这种新型天线会追踪行动用户的位置,把无线电讯号直接发射给他们,而不会浪费地朝著四面八方播送个人通讯(比如行动电话)。 更详细进入...
May our oxen be fully laden; May there be no breaking in to rob or going forth to fight, Or outcry in our streets.
中文: 14愿我们的牛驮着满驮;愿无人闯进来抢夺,也无人出去争战,我们的街市上也无哭号的声音。 更详细进入...
The Animals’ Communication
中文: 动物的通讯 更详细进入...
36 covers the fundamentals of digital communications and networking, including the basics of information theory, sampling and quantization, coding, modulation, signal detection and system performance in the presence of noise.
中文: 36包含数位通讯和网络基础,其中计有基本的资讯理论、取样及量化、编码、调变、讯号侦测及有杂讯时的系统效能。 更详细进入...
Into the audience hall by the fathomless abyss where swells up the music of toneless strings I shall take this harp of my life.
中文: 我要拿起我的生命的弦琴,进入无底深渊旁边,那座涌出无调的乐音的广厅。 更详细进入...