The loss was a tragedy for all concerned.
中文: 那损失对一切有关的人来说都是极为痛心的。 更详细进入...
The organs of Establishment, however well-intentioned they may be, have a vested interest in ensuring that the public boat is not violently rocked, and will so affect those who work within the mass media that they will be led insensibly towards forms of p
中文: 各种社会权利机构,尽管初衷可能是好的,都有自己的既得利益,确保社会得稳定,它们会设法影响新闻工作者,让他们不知不觉制作的节目或写出的文章不痛不痒,不触及到问题的实质,虽然也装模作样地搞些辩论和调查。 更详细进入...
There may be sources of affliction in connection with one or both parents.
中文: 似乎有些痛苦的根源与双亲或双亲之一有关联。 更详细进入...
Words like hurts, stinging, soreness, suicide, dizziness, crying, throw out, uncomfortable, bloatedness were consistently used by children who rated their pain intensity as 4 or higher on the pain scale.
中文: 住院儿童常合并多种的不适经验,多数会主诉三种不适的现象,且使用描述疼痛的字言多达57种,但常被使用的是痛、针刺感、酸痛、及胀痛。 更详细进入...
When volunteers activated a robot by remote control to tickle them after a short delay, the volunteers felt as if someone else were tickling them.
中文: 自愿者用遥控器操纵机器人,延迟片刻之后再让机器人为自己哈痒,自愿者就会觉得好像是别人在给他们哈痒。 更详细进入...
The pain is more or less constant , ofmoderate intensity ,and f requently is described asa persistent pulling ,gnawing ,or aching discomfort .
中文: 疼痛或多或少是经常性的,呈中等强度,并常被描述为持续性牵引感、咬痛或疼痛不适。 更详细进入...
It tends to be unrelated to physical exertion and unresponsive to nitroglycerin.
中文: 疼痛往往与体力活动无关,对硝酸甘油也无反应。 更详细进入...
Clinical observation of effects and side effects of PCEA and analgesia by injection of Demerol hydrochloride after caesarean operation
中文: 剖宫产术后持续镇痛与肌注镇痛的效果和不良反应观察 更详细进入...
Don't give way to grief[despair].
中文: 不要被悲痛[沮丧]情绪压倒。 更详细进入...
He has a headache and wants to do nothing.
中文: 他头痛,所以什么也不想做。 更详细进入...
How is suffering and distressdetected?
中文: 这种“痛苦和不适”如何检测? 更详细进入...
I didn't want to add to Mother's misery.
中文: 我不愿意增加母亲的痛苦。 更详细进入...
Mother hates anything illegal.
中文: 母亲痛恨任何不合法的事。 更详细进入...
No, I just feel cramped and painful.
中文: 不,我只是觉得逼仄和痛苦 更详细进入...
Sue feels unhappy today because she has a terrible toothache.
中文: 苏今天牙很痛,她很不高兴。 更详细进入...
Hemorrhoids can itch and bleed (usually bright red blood, during defacation).
中文: 痔疮发痒、出血(在损伤过程中通常是鲜红的血)。 更详细进入...
A 63-year-old woman insists on hospitalization to determine why she is fatigued, her joints hurt, and breathing sometimes causes sharp pain.
中文: 一位63岁的妇人坚持住院检查,以了解她为什麽会疲倦、关节疼痛,有时呼吸时会带著刺痛。 更详细进入...
Richly contains vegetal protein and moisturizing ingredients, the product features outstanding effect in refreshing skin, sterilizing and stopping itch without damaging the skin.
中文: 含丰富植物蛋白质及滋润保湿成份,具有清爽、杀菌止痒,不损肌肤的独特作用。 更详细进入...
Gappy is he who owes nothing.
中文: 要想活得痛快,身上不能背债。 更详细进入...
Greed not only brings miseryit may also bring ruin.
中文: “贪”不但带来痛苦,也使人堕落。 更详细进入...