That much was made clear in Athens.
中文: 这在雅典表现的很明显。 更详细进入...
Oracle of Athens: By the gods! Why would Athena send one such as you?!
中文: 雅典娜祭司:“众神在上!为什么雅典娜女神会送来一个像你这样的家伙?” 更详细进入...
Did you watch the 2004 Olympics in Athe ?
中文: 2004年雅典奥运会你看了嘛? 更详细进入...
Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens?
中文: 民主制度是创始於雅典吗? 更详细进入...
Did democracy have its beginnings in Athens?
中文: 民主制度是创始于雅典吗? 更详细进入...
Did you watch the 2004 Olympics in Athens?
中文: 2004年雅典奥运会你看了嘛? 更详细进入...
We went on board Athens yesterday morning.
中文: 我们昨天早晨登上雅典号。 更详细进入...
Actress Elizabeth Taylor with her pet Maltese dog, Daisy.
中文: 伊丽莎白·泰勒的爱犬戴西从主人身上“遗传”了雍容华贵的气质。 更详细进入...
Athens Summer Olympics in 2004------WelcomeHome.
中文: 雅典夏季奥运会------欢迎回家。 更详细进入...
Kratos : You dare stand against me, Athena!?
中文: 奎托斯:你敢反抗我,雅典娜。 更详细进入...
Athenian leader noted for advancing democracy in Athens and for ordering the construction of the Parthenon.
中文: 伯里克利古雅典首领,因其推进了雅典民主制并下令建造巴台农神庙而著名 更详细进入...
An important Greek festival of Pallas Athene, the Panathenaea was dated from the days of king Theseus.
中文: 一个庆祝雅典娜女神的希腊重要节日,泛雅典娜节,要追溯到特修斯国王时期。 更详细进入...
During Classic times the Maya were an agricultural people.
中文: 在经典时期,玛雅是农耕民族。 更详细进入...
The history of Athe is tied to mythology.
中文: 雅典的历史与神话密不可分。 更详细进入...
Ancient Athens is said to be the cradle of democracy.
中文: 据说古代雅典是民主的摇篮。 更详细进入...
A Titan, the mother of Athena.
中文: 墨提斯:泰坦神,雅典娜的母亲。 更详细进入...
Many tourists visit the Acropolis in Athens.
中文: 有很多游客参观雅典的卫城. 更详细进入...
The history of Athens is tied to mythology5.
中文: 雅典的历史与神话密不可分。 更详细进入...
The marvelous archeological findings and the temples of Apollo and Athina are equal in importance to the Partenon at the Acropolis of Athens.
中文: 阿波罗神殿和雅典娜神殿是与雅典卫城地位同等重要的令人惊异的考古发现。 更详细进入...
His ambition was simple: to make Athens a political and cultural capital, effectively creating the Athenian Empired.
中文: 他的抱负很明确,就是令雅典成为政治文化中心,有效地创建起一个雅典人的王国。 更详细进入...