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They gave the prime minister a cool reception.

They gave the battle in the end. 他们最后打了败仗。
They gave the chairman a tumultuous welcome. 他们热烈地欢迎主席。
They gave the decorator a free hand in doing their apartment over. 他们给装修师全权来翻修他们的房子。
They gave the first-class entertainment to us. 他们给了我们最好的款待。
They gave the name Roland to their first child. 他们给自己的第一个孩子起名为罗兰.
They gave the prime minister a cool reception. 他们很冷淡的接待了首相。
They gave the singer a big hand. 他们热烈地为那个歌手鼓掌。
They gave their goodness to the world so that everyone who sees a sunflower will know that the golden light of peace is beautiful. 人们把善良给予世界,让每个人都能看到向日葵代表金色和平的美丽花朵。
They gave their names in turn. 他们依次说出自己的名字.
They gave tips to porters, taxi-drivers, bellboys, waiters, and so on. There wasn't a day when they didn't tip some one. 他们对搬运工、出租汽车司机、旅馆侍者、服务员等等都给小费。没有一天他们不付给人小费的。
They gave to jiu-jitsu a mythological background and developed a form of religion based on the application of its principles. 他们赋予柔术一个神话背景,并根据其基本原则的运用发展出一种修行方式。

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