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Her symptoms of bladder irritability subsided, but recurred in the autumn of 1960.

Her suicide was motivated by desperation. 她自杀的诱因是自暴自弃。
Her superiority made her a very superior kind of women. 总而言之,依凡对她一见钟情。
Her supervisor then picked up the phone, still dying with laughter, she said, Sir for 240 million anyone in this room could make themselves pass a polygraph. 接着她的上司拿起话筒,笑意未尽地说:“先生,如果真有两亿四千万,这里的每个人都有办法骗过测慌机!
Her sweet voice stops them. 她甜美的声音让他们停下了脚步。)
Her sweet words misled him into trusting her. 她的甜言蜜语误导他相信她。
Her symptoms of bladder irritability subsided, but recurred in the autumn of 1960. 她的膀胱过敏症消失,但在1960年秋天复发。
Her system is so efficient that she uses it to charge her electric car's batteries - and makes a profit by selling 57 per cent back to the national network. 她的设备如此有效,以致可用来给她的电动轿车的电池组充电,而且可以靠出卖57%的电,使之返回国家电网而获利。
Her tactic is not to identify too closely with any particular reforms and to let her ministers take the flak. 她的策略就是不要触及那些特别敏感的改革计划以免自己及本届政府成为众矢之的。
Her tail lashes when she's angry. 当她生气时,她的尾巴就会急速摆动。
Her talent for music was not appreciated. 她的音乐才能无人赏识。
Her talents are as varied as her wardrobe. 她的天份像她的衣柜(里的衣服)一样”种类繁多”。

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