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It was very important to keep the lowest roller pressure under a given tow crimped energy.
在给定丝束卷曲能的条件下 ,维持工艺所需最低的对辊压力至关重要。

It was shown that the contents of total-SOD and Mn-SOD ofhe plasma from all leprous patients were increased (P<0.0),but Cu,Zn-SOD were not significance(P>0.)compared with that of the healthy control. 发现各型麻风病人血浆中SOD总量和Mn-SOD含量均比正常人高(P<0.0),而Cu、Zn-SOD含量无显著性差异(P>0.)。
It was shown that the metaphase index reached as high as 70%~80% in mitosis; 果表明,染色体有丝分裂中期指数(metaphase index)可达70%~80%;
It was suggested that higher light intensity was the main reason that caused photosynthetic rate decline and Noontime Snooze of photosynthesis in soybean. 果表明,在晴天、适宜供水和自然光照下,夏大豆青壮龄叶片的光合速率(y)与光强(x)呈极密切的正指数曲线关系x=aeby,光合速率随光强增强而升高,没有“午休”现象。
It was the foundation for the feeding standard of roe deer. The DMD of corn,bean cake,alfalfa,corn silage,jerusalem artichoke leaf,sorghum,oakleaf and melilot is(.),(8.),(7.),(.9),(. ),(.98),(0.7),(.89) respectively; 玉米面、豆粕、紫花苜蓿、玉米青贮、菊芋叶、高粱、青柞叶、草木樨的DMD分别为百分之.,8.,7.,.9,. ,.98,0.7,.89;
It was unreasonable to ascribe the loss of government prestige and the decline of judiciary authority to the system of correspondence and visitation. 把政府威信的流失、司法权威的下降简单的归咎于信访制度实际上是一种不负责任的表现。
It was very important to keep the lowest roller pressure under a given tow crimped energy. 在给定丝束卷曲能的条件下 ,维持工艺所需最低的对辊压力至关重要。
It' s characteristics is that blouse is short and skirt is long. 上身穿着的襦短而 且小,下身穿着的裙肥并且长。
It's a cryptic plasmid. 该质粒的功能有待进一步研究。
It's a good technology to be elected by refineries. 该技术可靠,操作简便,产品符合要求,是可供炼油企业选用的优良技术。
It's a long time from they walk onto the platform to retire, and this period is the most important phase in teachers' professional development. 从教师走上讲坛到退休离去的这一时期是教师专业发展的最重要阶段。
It's buoyant density is . g/ml which is consistent with that of HBsAg in the plasma of patients. 表达产物的浮力密度为.g/ml,与病人血清的HBsAg一致。

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