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This old donkey is a good quiet mount for a child.

This old building should be preserved for posterity. 这栋古老的建筑物应保存给后代。
This old car is about to fall apart. you'd better sell it. 这部老爷车快解体了,你最好把她卖了。
This old car will bring about £1000. 这辆旧汽车可卖1000镑。
This old car won't last for very long. 这辆旧车用不了多久。
This old custom does not prevail now. 这种旧风俗现在已经不流行了。
This old donkey is a good quiet mount for a child. 这头老驴性情温和,是孩子的好坐骑。
This old fireplace has a very attractive surround. 这个老壁炉有个非常引人注目的围绕物。
This old lesson was one that I never learned during my college years. 这一条是我在大学里没有学到的东西。
This old man can't walk without a crabstick. 这老人没有手杖就走不了路。
This old man can't walk without crabstick. 这老人没有手杖就走不了路。
This old man can't walk without walking stick. 这老人没有手杖就走不了路。

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