Blepharoplasty is a surgery for the eyelid involving an incision of the lid skin, orbicularis muscle, and herniated orbital fat pad, which improves the general appearance of the patient and also corrects the mechanical entropion induced by the hypertrophi
摘要随著经济成长及生活水准之提高,人们对于医疗已不只停留在医治疾病上,有愈来愈多人,想藉由进步的医学,达成改善容貌及整体美观的心愿。 |
Bless her from marrying a miser.
上天保佑她不要和一个吝啬鬼结婚。 |
Bless the Lord, O house of Levi: ye that fear the Lord, bless the Lord.
诗135:20利未家阿、你们要称颂耶和华.你们敬畏耶和华的、要称颂耶和华。 |
Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.
诗103:20听从他命令成全他旨意有大能的天使、都要称颂耶和华。 |
Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.
14逼迫你们的,要给他们祝福。只要祝福,不可咒诅。 |
Bless those who curse you; pray for those who revile you.
28要为那咒诅你们的祝福,为那凌辱你们的祷告。 |
Bless you! You must have a cold.
保重啊!你一定是感冒了。 |
Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself.
祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。 |
Bless your heart, I know you didn't break the vase on purpose. Don't cry!
好了好了,我知道你不是故意把花瓶打破的。别哭了。 |
Blessed Father, pour down the Spirit of supplication and intercession on Thy people—for Jesus Christ's sake. AMEN.
祷告:可称颂的父阿!求你倾倒恳求和代祷的灵在你的百姓身上——奉主耶稣的名。阿们。 |
Blessed Lord Jesus, have mercy upon Thy Church, and give, we pray Thee, the Spirit of prayer and supplication as of old, that They Church may prove what power from Thee rests upon her and her testimony for Thee, to win the world to Thy feet.
祷告:可称颂的主耶稣,施恩予你的教会,求你赐下恒切祷告的灵像以往一样,使你的教会能证实那与你同在的能力与教会同在并为你作见证,使整个的世界都服在你的脚下。 |