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Article 5 No member of the standing committee of the people's congress, no functionary of the people's court, the people's procuratorate, the public security organ, the state security organ, or the judicial administrative organ and no practicing lawyer ma

Article 5 In rural areas, socialist economy under public ownership shall be taken as the main sector, and meanwhile diversified economic sectors shall be developed jointly so as to prosper rural economy. 第五条在农村以社会主义公有制经济为主体,多种经济成分共同发展,振兴农村经济。
Article 5 In the event of using wild terraneous animals and plants, which have beneficial qualities or are important for economic and scientific research, and their products as health food raw materials, the applicant should provide approval documents for 第五条使用国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动植物及其产品作为保健食品原料的,应提供省级以上农业(渔业)、林业行政主管部门依据管理职能出具的允许开发利用的证明文件。
Article 5 Lawmaking shall reflect the will of the people, promote socialist democracy, and ensure that people are able to participate in the lawmaking process through various channels. 第五条立法应当体现人民的意志,发扬社会主义民主,保障人民通过多种途径参与立法活动。
Article 5 Local people's governments at various levels shall, when drawing up urban and rural development plans, give full consideration to the impact of noise emitted by construction projects and regional development and renovation projects on the living 第五条地方各级人民政府在制定城乡建设规划时,应当充分考虑建设项目和区域开发、改造所产生的噪声对周围生活环境的影响,统筹规划,合理安排功能区和建设布局,防止或者减轻环境噪声污染。
Article 5 Marriage must by based upon the complete willingness of both man and woman. Neither party may use compulsion on the other party and no third party may interfere. 第五条结婚必须男女双方完全自愿,不许任何一方对他方加以强迫或任何第三者加以干涉。
Article 5 No member of the standing committee of the people's congress, no functionary of the people's court, the people's procuratorate, the public security organ, the state security organ, or the judicial administrative organ and no practicing lawyer ma 第五条人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员,人民法院、人民检察院、公安机关、国家安全机关、司法行政机关的工作人员和执业律师等人员,不得担任人民陪审员。
Article 5 No patent right shall be granted for any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws of the State or social morality or that is detrimental to public interest. 第五条对违反国家法律、社会公德或者妨害公共利益的发明创造,不授予专利权。
Article 5 No units or individuals are allowed to occupy or damage highways, land used for highways and highway facilities, which shall be protected by state laws. 第五条公路、公路用地和公路设施受国家法律保护,任何单位和个人均不得侵占和破坏。
Article 5 On discovering a quarantinable infectious disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable, a frontier health and quarantine office shall, in addition to taking necessary measures, immediately notify the local health administration department; 第五条国境卫生检疫机关发现检疫传染病或者疑似检疫传染病时,除采取必要措施外,必须立即通知当地卫生行政部门,同时用最快的方法报告国务院卫生行政部门,最迟不得超过二十四小时。
Article 5 People's policemen of the public security organs, State security organs, prisons and institutions of reeducation through labour, judicial policemen of the People's Courts and the People's Procuratorates, people's procurators who are charged with 第五条公安机关、国家安全机关、监狱、劳动教养机关的人民警察,人民法院的司法警察,人民检察院的司法警察和担负案件侦查任务的检察人员,海关的缉私人员,在依法履行职责时确有必要使用枪支的,可以配备公务用枪。
Article 5 Ships are allowed to sail under the national flag of the People's Republic of China after being registered, as required by law, and granted the nationality of the People's Republic of China. 第五条船舶经依法登记取得中华人民共和国国籍,有权悬挂中华人民共和国国旗航行。

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