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There is a special rose language invented as a secret means of communication between lovers who were not allowed to express their love for one another openly.

There is a sole superpower—Brazil. 那里有一个超级大国—巴西。
There is a sonorous bell in the tower. 塔里有一口洪亮的钟。
There is a sort of subdued pandemonium in the air, a note of repressed violence, as if the awaited explosion required the advent of some utterly minute detail, something microscopic but thoroughly unpremeditated, completely unexpected. 这儿似乎有一种被压抑的混乱气氛,一种被压制下去的暴力行为,仿佛期待中的爆炸需要某种十分细微的细节安排,某种细微而又全然无准备、完全不可预见的东西。
There is a space between man's imagination and man's attainment that may only be traversed by his longing. 在人的幻想和成就中间有一段空间,只能靠他的热望来通过。
There is a special committee monitoring the city's drinking water for impurities. 有一个专门的委员会在测试城市的饮用水中的杂质。
There is a special rose language invented as a secret means of communication between lovers who were not allowed to express their love for one another openly. 人们发明了一种特殊的玫瑰语言,作为不被允许公开示爱的情侣间秘密交流的方式。
There is a specific tool for each job. 各工种配备特定的工具。
There is a spider on the bread.It'll catch it. 面包上有只蜘蛛,它会抓住苍蝇的。
There is a squeal coming out from your mike. 你的话筒有一个尖叫声。
There is a stack of dishes to be washed in the kitchen. 厨房里还有一大堆盘子要洗。
There is a stack of hay, a leaky barrel in the discard barn. 在废弃的牲口棚中有一堆干草和一个漏的水桶。

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