Throughout the large area that extends across the whole northern coast of the American continent, from the Bering Strait on the one side to Greenland on the other, remains a very isolated and characteristic people - the Eskimo.
在美洲大陆北部海岸地区,从白令海峡到格陵兰岛,住着一个与世隔绝的特殊人群--爱斯基摩人。 |
Throughout the night he heard the cough of the sick wolf, and now and then the squawking of the caribou calves.
他整夜听到那只病狼的咳嗽声,还不时听到小驯鹿群的嘶叫声。 |
Throughout the night the US field commanders have reported at least 100 killed and 30 captured Iraqi soldiers and militia members.
整夜,霉菌战地指挥官报告至少一百名伊军战士和民兵被击毙、三十名被俘。 |
Throughout the period of bombardment, the CIA used the opportunity to gather data on psychological and biological effects of the beam on American personnel.
在整个受攻击的过程中,中央情报局利用这个机会收集在波束照射下的美国职员的心理及生物效应上的数据。 |
Throughout the process you proved tireless working around the clock to help me.
在这过程中,你日夜不懈地帮助我。 |
Throughout the region, communist dictatorship has all too often given way to incompetence and corruption, not the yearned-for freedom and the rule of law.
在这些地区,独裁统治已经消亡,但取而代之的往往是无能与腐败,而非人们渴望已久的自由与法治。 |
Throughout the state, local and state-wide land-protection organisations (land trusts) are compensating for diminishing federal funds by working with the state legislature to provide economic incentives for land conservation.
联邦政府的资助正在萎缩,为了弥补这一不足,当地和州里的土地保护组织(土地托拉斯)以及州立法机构正齐心协力、为土地保护提供经济激励,全州上下都是如此。 |
Throughout the story, it would have seemed that antics of the swindlers proved that they were more astute than anybody else.
从故事里似乎可以看出:织布工的骗术证明他们比其他任何人都精明。 |
Throughout the story, the author adopts a unique secondperson imperative mode that allows for immense scope of imagination, so that the reader can interpret the story from different angles.
小说通篇以第二人称命令式视角的独特写作手法,赋予了文章无限广阔的想像空间,使读者有可能从不同的角度对小说进行解读。 |
Throughout the summer and autumn he continued to go to the office work.
整个夏秋季节他都连续在办公室上班。 |
Throughout the summer of our love we realize our partner is not as perfect as we thought, and we have to work on our relationship.
在整个爱情的夏天中,我们知道配偶不如我们想象的完美,我们必须为婚姻关系努力。 |