The voucher cannot be used in combination with other discounts or special.
此券不可与其他折扣或优惠同时使用。 |
The voucher is only redeemable for specified at Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream Shops in Mainland China(Excluding Hong Kong).
此券只适用于在中国大陆地区哈根达斯冰淇淋甜品屋的指定商品。 |
The voucher must bear an authorized stamp and should be used before or on the expiry date shown.
此券需有授权印章,并在有效期内方可生效。 |
The vouchers can be used in the restaurant or the lounge.
抵用券可在餐厅及会客厅使用。 |
The vouchers should be numbered consecutively and where there is a receipt you attach it.
凭据应该连续编号,凡是凭据有收据的,则要附上收据。 |
The vovage of life is very long and we don't know where we meet again.Your generous smile impresses me most and I never forget it .
人生的旅途很长很长,不知还会相遇在什么地方。看到你宽厚的微笑,心中留下不泯的印象。 |
The vow is simple, really.
誓言真的很简单。 |
The vowels in the English alphabet are a,e,i,o,u, and, sometimes, y.
英语的元音字母有a,e,i,o,u,有时也包括y。 |
The voyage came to symbolize the start of the great postwar wave of Caribbean immigration to Britain.
这次航行标志着二战后从加勒比海向英国大规模移民的开始。 |
The voyage continued on to Tahiti and Australia, lasting three years longer than planned.
“比格尔号”继续远航,到达了塔希提岛和澳大利亚,比原先计划的多航行了三年。 |
The voyage to England took seven days.
这次去英国的航行时间是七天。 |