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Even a young country such as America, with no burdensome traditions from the past, could not rid the south of slavery without pressure from the northern cities.

Even a smash down the middle is effective: if it doesn't hit the woman, she is blocking his view. 对方杀向中场的球也是很有威胁的,如果没有击中网前的女运动员,她也挡住了男选手的视线。
Even a successful formula for current market conditions can soon become obsolete, however. 但是任何在市场上已经成功的“配方”,可能很快就会过时。
Even a telescope in orbit round the earth, like the very successful Hubble telescope, would not be suitable because of the dust particles in our solar system. 即使是一台放置在围绕地球的轨道上的望远镜--如非常成功的哈勃望远镜--也因为太阳系中的尘埃微粒而无法胜任。
Even a worm will turn. 甚至蠕虫也会翻身;狗急跳墙。
Even a worm will turn. You had better give her a way out. 弱者被逼太甚,也会进行抗争,你最好还是给她一条出路。
Even a young country such as America, with no burdensome traditions from the past, could not rid the south of slavery without pressure from the northern cities. 甚至像美国这样没有历史传统包袱的年轻国家,如果不经北方城市施加压力也不可能消灭南方的奴隶制。
Even abe smiled, but only a litter and not for long. 甚至艾贝也笑了,但是仅仅一会儿而不是很长时间。
Even absent fathers affect how their children work, he writes, by instilling feelings of rejection and abandonment. 波尔特的新书《父亲的因素》即将在6月发行。此前,他还与人合作了一本讲述母女关系的书——《修补坏掉的树枝》。
Even after 20 years of living in the U.S., 63% still prefer to read/write in Chinese. 就算在美国居住20年以上,63%的华裔美国人还是喜欢用中文阅读及书写。
Even after Bologna had two players sent off for protesting about that decision, it took a wonderful Gianluigi Buffon save on Claudio Bellucci to secure victory. 甚至在此后博洛尼亚的两名球员还因为抗议判罚被罚出球场,而吉安路易吉·布丰也以一次精彩绝伦的扑救化解了克劳迪奥·贝卢奇的进攻,确保了球队的胜利。
Even after Lysenkoism was condemned as a fraud in 1965, Mendel remained an outcast because his religious background offended the Communist Czech government, which would last until 1989. 就算李森科主义于1965年已判为骗局,孟德尔却由于其宗教背景,仍然受到排斥,直到1989年。

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