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The fans at the rock concert worked themselves up into a frenzy.

The fanatic humans of the griffin empire worship the dragon of light (the idol of their religion) and hunt down heretics with their army of knights and powerful angels mercilessly. 人类的狮鹫王国崇拜着光明龙,并且毫不怜悯地运用天使与骑士追杀异教徒(这与英雄无敌有什么破联系?)
The fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel. 爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌.
The fancy footwork of a figure skater. 花样溜冰者娴熟的脚步
The fancy seemed to possess her more strongly as one by one the ties that bound her to friendship and to earth were loosed. 这种幻觉似乎牢牢地占有了她,好像她与友情、与人间的联系纽带一根一根地在变得松了。
The fans at the concert were really ape. 音乐会上乐迷们真是如痴如狂
The fans at the rock concert worked themselves up into a frenzy. 摇滚音乐会上的音乐迷们鼓动他们自己的情绪,而陷入了一种冲动。
The fans cheer enthusiastically for their favorite players and teams, who respond by playing better than before. 球迷为他们所喜爱的运动员和球队狂热欢呼,运动员和球队往往会用更好的比赛回应。
The fans connected to the vents are located under the ventilation shafts and connected to the trackway or platform. 通风口的风扇现设于通风井之下,与路轨和月台连接。
The fans got a brief glimpse of their idol at the airport. 歌迷们在机场短暂瞥见了他们的偶像一眼。
The fans have always been close to us throughout the pre-season experience and gave their very important support. 在季前训练中,球迷一直跟我们在一起,并且给了我们很大支持。
The fans make us who we are. – Brian. 是歌迷成就了我们。

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