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Soldier: No, no! Stay away from me!

Soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum? 士兵士兵,你背着火枪,吹横笛敲大鼓,是要娶我吗?
Soldier,won't you marry me? 士兵,你要娶我吗?
Soldier: Are there any young girls in your family, madam? The beautiful princess lost her shoe in the palace. The prince wants to find her and marry her. 士兵:你家是不是有女孩,女士?美丽的公主在王宫丢了一只鞋,王子要找到她并和她结婚。
Soldier: Good news, your highness! We have found the beautiful girl. 士兵:好消息陛下,我找到那个漂亮女孩了。
Soldier: He's the Ocelot commander! 士兵:他是山猫的头!
Soldier: No, no! Stay away from me! 士兵:“哦,不!离我远点!”
Soldier: See, any idiot can play. 士兵:看,连蠢猪都会打。
Soldiers acted in obedience to orders. 士兵行动服从长官的命令。
Soldiers are coming! Yankee soldiers! Quick, pack your bags. 军队要来了!北方士兵来了!快!赶快打包行李了!
Soldiers are expected to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty. 人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领。
Soldiers are expected to obey their orders without question. 军人应当绝对服从命令。

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