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Rokket: What are you going to be doing for the millennium?

Rogues no longer gain Attack Power from Agility. We hope Mages will stop crying after this change. 贼将不会再有敏捷对攻击强度的加成.这样依赖法师们可以不用再抱怨了.
Rogues: Start dps after 2-3 sunders... but go easy when starting off, don't go ALL out just yet. 盗贼:在2-3个破甲之后开工……但是在开始的时候要缓慢的输出。
Rohm and Haas is one of the world largest manufacturers and suppliers of specialty Chemicals and acrylic acid related products, with its head office located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 美国罗门哈斯是世界知名的精细化学品公司,总部位于美国费城,生产个人护理、家庭和建筑、电子等领域的产品,在全球范围内改善人类生活质量。
Rojas re-forms his idealism as youthful naivete gives way to an adult's complicated choices. 本片描写了一个天真烂漫如何让步于一个成人的复杂选择的沉重故事。
Rojas, who was also charged with tampering with evidence and endangering the welfare of a child, was under arrest at the 115th Precinct Station House this morning. 他们表示,孩子的尸体很可能已经和杰克森高地当地的垃圾一起被运到了宾夕法尼亚的垃圾填埋场。
Rokket: What are you going to be doing for the millennium? 你在这千禧年打算做什么?
Roland Barthes develops a school of his own in the theory of literature, particularly of the text. 摘要巴特的文学理论尤其是他的“文本”理论独树一帜。
Roland Palace adopts the large plane design stressing the comfort and space sense. Its living room is as wide as 7 meters and as high as 3.2 meters. 罗兰宫采用大平面设计,强调舒适度和空间感,客厅面宽达7.5米,层高更达3.2米。
Rolando wrote in an e-mail message, “because most species during summer forage in grass, and some also make nests on the ground.” The researchers found that the habitat loss also affected arthropod populations; there were fewer insects in the trail plots, 研究人员还发现,栖息地减少同样影响节肢动物的种群数量;滑雪场内的昆虫较少,于是鸟类便很难在滑雪场内找到食物。
Role conflict for women reaches far beyond the fundamental work/family dilemma to encompass a whole constellation of fiercely competing priorities. 女人的角色冲突超越了基本的工作和家庭的困境,到达了包括一个完全激烈竞争的优先权的集合的地步。
Role of virtue and rule by law supplement and promote each other. 法治和德治,是相辅相成、相互促进的。

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