Where a change of the name of the inventor, the name, nationality or address of the applicant or the patent holder, or the name or address of the patent agency, or the name of the patent agent is requested, a request for a change in the bibliographic data
请求变更发明人姓名、专利申请人和专利权人的姓名或者名称、国籍和地址、专利代理机构的名称、地址和代理人姓名的,应当向国务院专利行政部门办理著录事项变更手续,并附具变更理由的证明材料。 |
Where a civil aircraft and its engines, propellers and on-board equipment, for which a type certificate has been issued in a foreign country, are produced for the first time in China, the holder of the type certificate shall file an application with the c
已取得外国颁发的型号合格证书的民用航空器及其发动机、螺旋桨和民用航空器上设备,首次在中国境内生产的,该型号合格证书的持有人应当向国务院民用航空主管部门申请领取型号认可证书。 |
Where a civil servant has any violation of the provisions in the preceding paragraph after resignation or retirement, the administrative department of civil servants at the same level as the original organ he works for shall order him to make corrections
公务员辞去公职或者退休后有违反前款规定行为的,由其原所在机关的同级公务员主管部门责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,由县级以上工商行政管理部门没收该人员从业期间的违法所得,责令接收单位将该人员予以清退,并根据情节轻重,对接收单位处以被处罚人员违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。 |
Where a commodity or a service may jeopardise safety of person or property of the consumer, it shall make a true statement and clear warning explaining and indicating correct methods for the use of such a commodity or receipt of such a service and prevent
对可能危及人身、财产安全的商品和服务,应当向消费者作出真实的说明和明确的警示,并说明和标明正确使用商品或者接受服务的方法以及防止危害发生的方法。 |
Where a commodity still cannot be used properly after being repaired twice within the guaranteed maintenance period, the business operator must be responsible for replacement or return.
在保修期内两次修理仍不能正常使用的,经营者应当负责更换或者退货。 |
Where a company has, in light of the resolution of the shareholders' convention, shareholders' meeting or meeting of the board of directors, completed the modification registration, and the people's court declares the resolution null and void or revoke th
公司根据股东会或者股东大会、董事会决议已办理变更登记的,人民法院宣告该决议无效或者撤销该决议后,公司应当向公司登记机关申请撤销变更登记。 |
Where a computerised system replaces a manual operation, there should be no resultant decrease in product quality or quality assurance.
只要是由计算机系统代替人工操作的地方,都应当不会因此降低对产品质量或质量保证的要求。 |
Where a construction enterprise is established as a joint stock limited company, the capital mentioned in this Act refers to the paid-up capital.
本法所称资本额,于营造业以股份有限公司设立者,系指实收资本额。 |
Where a construction project might cause environmental noise pollution, the unit undertaking the project must prepare an environmental impact statement which includes the measures it takes to prevent and control such pollution, and submit it, following th
建设项目可能产生环境噪声污染的,建设单位必须提出环境影响报告书,规定环境噪声污染的防治措施,并按照国家规定的程序报环境保护行政主管部门批准。 |
Where a contract is concluded by a memorandum of contract, its place of formation is the place where the parties sign or seal the contract.
第三十五条当事人采用合同书形式订立合同的,双方当事人签字或者盖章的地点为合同成立的地点。 |
Where a contract is concluded by the exchange of electronic messages, the recipient's main place of business is the place of formation of the contract; if the recipient does not have a main place of business, its habitual residence is the place of formati
采用数据电文形式订立合同的,收件人的主营业地为合同成立的地点;没有主营业地的,其经常居住地为合同成立的地点。 |