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Amethyst: Inner alignment. Helps heal arthritis, hearing, and bones. 6th chakra.

America‘s Next Top Model‘ follows a group of young women of various shapes, sizes and backgrounds who live together in a loft and vie for a modeling contract. 全美超模吸引了一群不同类型,身材,跟背景的女生,而她们将共同住在一个房子里面为了模特合同而竞争.
Amerigo Vespucci allegedly leaves Cádiz for his first voyage to the New World. 1497年的今天,阿美利哥·维斯普西声称他离开卡迪兹航海前往“新世界”。
Amerimine has not identified specific parcels it will acquire at this time. 美国矿产公司此次没有发现其想要购买的具体土地。
Amerimine, through its subsidiary AUI, intends to enter the forestry business in China, with emphasis on plantation forestry. 美国矿产公司试图通过其子公司AUI在中国开展林业业务,重点放在植树造林方面。
Amesh, having been prevented from killing Jaypreesh (the giant who wants to ritually purgeNaja's pregnancy), takes his frustrations out on the door frame. 被阻止出手杀死杰浦祏(因为杰浦祏想要用仪式结束娜雅的身孕)的亚暮士把他一身的怒气发泄在门框上。
Amethyst: Inner alignment. Helps heal arthritis, hearing, and bones. 6th chakra. 紫水晶:内部结构排列。有助于治疗关节炎,听觉,和骨骼疾病。用于第六个穴位。
Amex has agreed to contribute 1 per cent of Red card transactions, plus 1.25 per cent of any spending above £5,000 a year. 美国运通已同意捐出“红色”信用卡交易额的1%。此外,对于年消费额超过5000英镑的帐户,美国运通还将捐出超额部分的1.25%。
Amiable old person is being driven pulling by restful, healthy, fortune, happy, pretty, Qing Chun, future, reindeer having a head pulls the sledge that move to deliver the gift that follow god and comes to you, not polite, they belong to you. 慈祥的老人驾着由平安、健康、财富、快乐、俊美、清纯、前途拉着、起头驯鹿拉动的雪橇给你送来随上帝而来的礼物,不要客气,他们都属于你。
Amid a batch of statistics forecasting a rise in inflationary pressures, the European Central Bank lifted its key interest rate by one-quarter of a percentage point to 3%. 面临预计通货膨胀压力上升的一批统计数据,欧洲央行将其关键利率提高至3%,升幅达0.25个百分点。
Amid a standing ovation in the House of Commons, Tony Blair left the chamber. 在一阵长时间的掌声中,布莱尔离开了内阁。
Amid all the fumes and hurtling missiles we kept our heads. 虽在烟雾弥漫,弹片横飞之中,而我们还是镇定不乱。

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