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Always carry in your harness one spare line and repair adhesive material.

Always believe that you will ultimately succeed at whatever you do, and never forget the value of persistence, discipline,and determination. 永远相信:无论你做什么,你终究会成功,并且不要忘记坚持、自律和决心的价值。
Always believe that your ultimate goal is attainable as long as you commit yourself to it. 请谨记,只要你坚持不懈,最终的目标总能实现。
Always break a long expression at the operator of the lowest possible precedence. 总是在可能的低优先级的操作符那而不是高优先级那,将长表达式截断。
Always busy when you need her. 当你需要她的时候,她总是很忙、没空。
Always call the teacher by their titles or their last names. 总是称呼老师职位或尊姓。
Always carry in your harness one spare line and repair adhesive material. 套袋内总是有一条备份绳子及一段专用贴布。
Always carry the camera and flash in bag with one extra roll of film and spare batteries. 在照相包内应装有相机、闪光灯、多余一套胶卷及一副电池。
Always check a delegate for null before invoking it. 调用前始终检查委托是否为空。
Always check that the forks are fully engaged and load is stable before moving. 行驶前检查货物是否稳定与叉结合是否完好。
Always check the return value of new for null. 总是检查返回值是否无效。
Always check the tools/machines for any malfunction before proceeding with the work. 工作进行前,应检查工具/机器的性能。

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