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In addition, the Triennial has prepared a platform for a Questionnaire Exercise, through which artists can approach curators, critics and fellow artists to discuss the predicament of contemporary artistic production.

In addition, the Group was number one among 50 top Real Estate Development Enterprises in Shanghai from 2003 to 2005. 2003至2005年连续三年位居上海市房地产开发企业50强榜首。
In addition, the Hong Kong-headquartered carrier benefited from active growth in its regional trades, most notably within the Far East and between the Far East/Mid-East. 此外,这家总部设在香港的航运集团依靠其地区业务的明显增长而获得好处,显而易见的就是其在东亚的业务,以及远东跑中东的生意。
In addition, the Knee Society (KS) functional scores also showed significant improvement as compared with the preoperative status (86 versus 52 points). 使用助行器时,最适当的高度,应订在上肢自然下垂时,扶手与手腕皮肤皱纹齐高处。
In addition, the Kuomintang (KMT) controlled legislature has obstructed adequate funding for Taiwan's self-defense. 除此之外,国民党控制的立法部门阻止了为台湾的自我防卫提供足够的资金。
In addition, the School has the Community College, the Centre for International Degree Programmes and other Centres for Language Studies, Executive Programmes, and Logistics and Transport. 此外,学院设立了其他教学部门包括附属学院、国际学位课程中心、语言课程中心、高级行政课程中心及物流及运输课程中心等。
In addition, the Triennial has prepared a platform for a Questionnaire Exercise, through which artists can approach curators, critics and fellow artists to discuss the predicament of contemporary artistic production. 通过否定演习以及提问演习,2008广州三年展希望与所有艺术界同仁一起思考,共同想象本次展览的实现方式。
In addition, the USAF continues to fund development work of the Aerojet (formerly Atlantic Research) Variable Flow Ducted Rocket ramjet system as a future propulsion option for an extended range AAM. 此外,美国空军继续投资于航空喷气研究所(原来的大西洋研究所)的可变喷流管火箭发动机系统,将其作为增程空空导弹的未来推进选项。
In addition, the advantageous positions wholesaler possessing relative to both retailers and suppliers signal its channel power. 再者,拥有强势生育的批发商,挟着在消费者市场、零售通路的双重优势,对制造商形成批货压力,象征其通路权力的提升。
In addition, the agency says melamine has been found in some pet food products in rice protein concentrate from China . Those products have been withdrawn from market. 此外,该机构说,在一些来自中国的宠物食品大米蛋白中已发现三聚氰胺的浓缩物。这些产品已退出市场。
In addition, the agency says melamine has been found in some pet food products in rice protein concentrate from China. Those products have been withdrawn from market. 另外,该局认为从来自中国的某些大米蛋白质浓缩宠物食品产品中已发现了三聚氰胺,这些产品已经从市场上撤回.
In addition, the allocator fills the rest of the page with a known pattern. 另外,分配器用一个已知的模式填充剩下的页面。

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