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Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. Stop wailing,Jesus said. She is not dead but asleep.

Meanwhile, abundant global liquidity and investors' frenzied quest for returns have enabled countries with current account deficits to finance dearer oil imports through inflows of portfolio capital. 与此同时,充裕的全球流动资金,以及投资者对回报的狂热追求,使得有经常账户赤字的国家能够通过投资组合资本的流入,为更昂贵的石油进口融资。
Meanwhile, academics put forward some critical and reformational proposals on following aspects: enrollment system, the process of cultivating the study interest (including study time, curriculum teaching, finishing the degree thesis, relationship between 学界对我国研究生教育的总体评价大多持肯定态度;同时,学界对研究生考试录取制度,对研究生学习培养过程(包括培养年限、课程教学、学位论文完成、学位与发表论文的关系、研究生管理等),对研究生导师与导师制等方面的问题,提出了批评意见与改革建议。
Meanwhile, according to aged undertaking requirement of star light plan , district of Sanshui,, the welfare regards as the elderly's activity centre in the center, some place facilities , such as reading room , playroom , fitness room , Cara flat OK , bas 同时,根据三水区老龄事业“星光计划”的要求,福利中心作为老年人活动中心,部分场所如阅览室、娱乐室、健身室、卡拉OK室、篮球场、门球场等设施适时向社会上的老年人开放。
Meanwhile, adequate operation manipulation can avoid reoperation. 有10例出现并发症,并发症发生率12.0%(10/83)。
Meanwhile, after criticism by Middlesbrough chairman Steve Gibson that the Premiership's most powerful clubs were not doing enough to develop home-grown talent for the national team, manager Gareth Southgate admitted yesterday that while he could rely on 同时,在受到米德尔斯堡主席史蒂夫·吉布森关于英超最有权势的俱乐部都没有在为国家队发展本土天才球员的批判之后,主管加里斯·索斯盖特昨日承认他将依靠一个强大青年球员队伍,那总是比从国外签下球员更便宜。
Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. Stop wailing,Jesus said. She is not dead but asleep. 52众人都为这女儿哀哭捶胸。耶稣说,不要哭,他不是死了,是睡着了。
Meanwhile, an Israeli missile targeted an old lighthouse in west Beirut damaging the structure. 与此同时,一枚以色列导弹把矛头指向了贝鲁特南部的一座灯塔并炸摧毁了它。
Meanwhile, an exhibition showcasing the contents of the book is being held until 11 February 2007 at the Lobby of the Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building. 此外,《香港容易混淆中药》展览会现正在赛马会中医药学院大楼地下展厅举行,介绍该书的英译本内容,展览期至二月十一日。
Meanwhile, an influx of foreign visitors is expected. 与此同时,预计海外游客也将大量涌入。
Meanwhile, another South American Luis Jimenez - is set to stay at Lazio according to his agent. 同时,另外一位南美球员吉门内斯的经纪人表示,吉门内斯将留在拉齐奥(我晕!)
Meanwhile, another airliner crashed into the Pentagon. 同时,另一架民航飞机坠入五角大楼。

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