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The number of heart-attack deaths may skyrocket in the world.

The number of envious, prejudiced, cold-hearted and selfish people will no doubt increase. 相信今后将出现更多嫉妒、偏见和以自己为中心的冷酷无情的人。
The number of failures in the examination is surprisingly large. 这次考试不及格人数多得惊人。
The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了.
The number of forest patches in forest-meadow regions is greater than that in the forest zone and in meadow-steppe regions. 在森林-草原交错带森林草甸区森林斑块的数量最多,其次为森林带,再次为森林-草原交错带草甸草原区,草原带没有森林斑块。
The number of funded projects as applied for by the applicants is in excess of that as prescribed by the fund management organ. 第十三条基金管理机构应当聘请具有较高的学术水平、良好的职业道德的同行专家,对基金资助项目申请进行评审。聘请评审专家的具体办法由基金管理机构制定。
The number of heart-attack deaths may skyrocket in the world. (世界上心脏病死亡的数字,可能大大上升。)
The number of high net worth women, those with three million dollars or more in investable assets, is growing at nearly double the pace of men in this group, that's according to a recent survey by Merrill Lynch. 美林证券最近的一份调查报告指出,那些有着高净值资产的女性,即那些拥有可用于投资性资产在三百万美元以上的女性,她们人数正不断增长。
The number of home sales agreed on but not yet completed fell by 12.2% in July, according to the National Association of Realtors. 根据美国房地产经纪协会的统计,同七月相比,已达成协议但未完成交易的房屋出售数量下降了12.2%。
The number of human cases in the world - contaminated by birds - is of 173 with 93 death. 目前,全球有173例人类接触家禽类污染物后感染禽流感的报告,其中93人已经死亡。
The number of hypertension patients is increasing by three million annually. 每年高血压患者的人数将增加300万。
The number of improvers will increase, as the intellectual constituency, if I may so call it, increases. 当明智的选民(如果我可以这样称呼他们的话)增加时,改进者的数量也就增加了。

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