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Would you agree that the earth's natural resources will be used up soon?

Would you accept delivery read over a period of time? 不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货?
Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time? 不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货?
Would you accept my invitation to a stag party? 你会接受我的邀请来参加男人聚会吗?
Would you accept the concept of predestination? 你可以接受宿命的概念吗?
Would you accept the job that need frequent travel? 你是否愿意接受经常需要旅行的工作呢?
Would you agree that the earth's natural resources will be used up soon? 你同意世界资源会很快用光的说法吗?
Would you analyse the structure of this sentence for me? 你能给我分析一下这个句子的结构吗?
Would you ask a builder who lives in an RV to build your mansion? 是否会请一个自己住在房车里的搞建筑的帮你盖楼?
Would you ask a mechanic who drives a run down Ford pick-up to fix your Porsche Boxter? 你会请一个开着老式福特车的机械师为你修理保时捷么?
Would you ask her to call back? 您请她打个回电好吗?
Would you ask your assistant/intern/secretary to . . . ? 妳会要求妳的助理/实习生/秘书去…?

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