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Whether or not to use a sling in such cases is a very controversial issue.

Whether or not it rains, I'm giving a party tomorrow. 不管明天是否下雨,我都要举行聚会。
Whether or not it rains,he's going to Beijing tomorrow. 不管下不下雨,他明天都要去北京。
Whether or not our neurological wiring is mimicking our reptilian past here, the meaning of the shrug among humans is the same as that among turtles: “This is too much for me to handle. 无论我们的神经传导是否在模仿我们的爬行动物始祖,耸肩的意义对人类和对乌龟是一样的:“这让我无能为力”。
Whether or not success in exam depends on how to get useful information quickly and then confirm correct answers by making good use of English comprehensive knowledge and reading strategies to a certain degree. 如何运用英语综合知识和阅读技能快速获取所需信息、准确判定正确答案,是考试成功与否的关键。
Whether or not the tale is entirely true, Li Hung Chang definitely influenced the creation of chop suey. 不管这个传说是不是真的,李鸿章肯定与杂碎的发明有部分关连。
Whether or not to use a sling in such cases is a very controversial issue. 至于是否应该用肩吊带来预防及矫正肩关节的半脱位,一直是个令人争论的问题。
Whether or not water is a right, it is also a commodity which, unlike liberty of expression or freedom from torture, is costly to provide. 因为不论用水是否一项人权,水同时也是一样商品,它不象言论自由或免受酷刑这样的人权,供应水要花很多钱。
Whether or not we are slaves of time today depends on our culture and personality, but it is believed that many years ago kings kept special slaves to tell the time. 我们是不是时间的奴隶取决于我们的文化修养和个性品质,但是,大家都相信,在很久以前,国王有一个专门报告时间的奴隶。
Whether or not we will go out tomorrow depends on the weather. 我们明天出不出去要看天气。
Whether or not we will go out tomorrow depends on weather. 我们明天出不出去要看天气。
Whether or not will you travel to other countries? 你是否准备到其它国家去旅游?

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