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The latest planes have halve the time needed for cross the atlantic.

The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops. 这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店中出售。
The latest of several injuries to the Yankees pitching staff came Tuesday when Phil Hughes strained his left hamstring. 几个洋基投手们受伤的最近一个是在星期二当休斯拉伤他的左腿。
The latest official HIV-AIDS statistics are causing alarm among health authorities in Papua New Guinea (PNG). 新几内亚政府健康部门作出的最新一项艾滋病感染官方统计数字表示,艾滋病感染人数又增加了。
The latest official figures show inflation running at about 16 percent but economists say official figures underplay what Iranians pay for basic food in shops . 最新的官方数据显示,通货膨胀率约达16%,不过经济学家说官方数字蓄意低估人民实际购买基本粮食的金额。
The latest penalty involves a relatively small part of JPMorgan's Japanese operations – the team that deals with real estate securitisation at the trust bank – and is not expected to have a significant impact on its overall business in Japan. 这一最新惩罚措施只涉及JP摩根日本业务相对很小的一部分,即信托银行处理房地产证券化业务的团队,因此预计不会对该银行在日本的总体业务造成重大影响。
The latest planes have halve the time needed for cross the atlantic. 最新型号的飞机把飞越大西洋所需的时间减少了一半。
The latest planes have halved the time needed for crossing the Atlantic. 最新型号的飞机把飞越大西洋所需的时间减少了一半.
The latest poll published by the French media shows that the ruling Union for a Popular Movement Party's candidate Nicolas Sarkozy will win the presidential elections with 52 percent of the votes against the Socialist Party's candidate Segolene Royal who' 法国媒体公布了周日举行的第二轮总统大选的投票结果,执政的人民运动联盟的候选人尼古拉?萨尔科齐赢得了大选,他以52%的得票率击败赢得48%选票的法国社会党候选人罗亚尔。
The latest popular actor is featured in this new film. 那位新近走红的男演员在这部新影片中扮演重要角色。
The latest price surge appears to have been driven purely by speculative interest from private investors in Japan. 最近的这轮价格暴涨,似乎纯粹由日本私人投资者的投机兴趣推动。
The latest progress in research on chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Portulaca oleracea L.. The problems at present and the research directions for the future on Portulaca oleracea L. in the future have been put forward. 摘要介绍了马齿苋的化学成分、药理活性等方面的最新研究进展,分析了马齿苋研究方面存在的问题,提出了今后研究的方向。

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