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Analyses the physical characteristics of diesel oil, the volume calculation of daily-use oil tank and the related items in the revised edition of the Code for fire protection design of tall buildings.

Analyses the application effect of thermostatic radiator valves via testing two same buildings dynamically in the same period. 摘要通过对两栋相同建筑物进行同期动态检测,分析了散热器恒温控制阀的实际应用效果。
Analyses the common problems existed in present pressurization methods. Based on experiences in practice, puts forwards two improved modes, and presents a qualitative analysis of system pressure distribution (pressure diagram). 摘要分析了目前常压热水锅炉供暖系统定压方式存在的一些问题。结合实践提出了两种新的定压方式,并对其压力分布(水压图)进行了定性分析。
Analyses the influence of initial cool thermal storage rate, discharge water flow rate and volume of air-agitation on the discharging characteristics in detail. 具体分析了初始蓄冷量、取冷水流量、鼓气量对外融冰取冷性能的影响。
Analyses the main malfunctions of HVAC systems and represents some design principles to ensure room non-positive pressure in the worst case, namely the exhaust system breaking down and the standby exhaust equipment switched on automatically. 分析了系统运行中的主要故障,给出了最不利状况即排风系统停机故障、排风设备自动切换时,避免房间出现正压的部分设计原则。
Analyses the operating condition of one machine to one pump and one machine to two pump systems adopted widely in closed circulating water system. 摘要分析了闭式循环水系统普遍采用的一机一泵制与一机两泵制的运行工况。
Analyses the physical characteristics of diesel oil, the volume calculation of daily-use oil tank and the related items in the revised edition of the Code for fire protection design of tall buildings. 摘要对柴油的物理特性、日用油箱的容积计算及修订版《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》相关条款进行了分析。
Analyses the stress distributing of bulk solid around the silo outlet, points out the reason of arc forming and the method of breaking arc. 对存仓排料口附近物料颗粒的应力分布情况进行了研究,分析其成拱的原因,并提出防止成拱及破除料拱的方法。
Analyses theoretically the velocity distribution of the system, presents a layout method of inductive nozzles, expounds the calculation method of the jet parameters and the size of the nozzle, and provides a project example and some design data for refere 摘要理论分析了地下车库诱导通风的流场,提出了诱导送风口的布置方法,阐述了诱导射流参数及风口尺寸的计算方法,并给出了计算实例和设计参考数据。
Analyses were made of the influence of lamping energy, distance of tamping points and number of passes upon the safety of the existing surrounding structures when a foundation is improved with the dynamic compaction method. 摘要分析了强夯法加固地基时,夯击能、夯点距离、夯击数等因素对周围已建建筑物的安全的影响。
Analysing and calculating electric circuits in the light of Norton's Theorem can make them unilateral. The following are some typical processes of the analysis and calculation of the electric circuits. 摘要应用密勒定理分析和计算电子线路可使电路单向化,本文结合实例讨论了几种典型电路的分析计算过程。
Analysing and measuring of the capability of key activities. 分析和测量关键活动的能力。

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