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Anyway,I've hurt their self-pride.

Anyway, we should seriously study the tradition and hardily develop the future. 我们要扎实的学习传统又要大胆地开拓未来。
Anyway, when I read about Leon, I got in touch with him and later met him and his wife, Judy, during one of my stops in northern California. 但不管怎麽说,在读到有关里昂的报道后,我立即和他取得了联系,后来我在加州北部短暂逗留时还见到了他和他的妻子朱迪。
Anyway, you can not reclaim free segment space automatically. 回复:被忽视的问题:表空间如何才能自动回收?
Anyway, you got to do your research every single day. 无论如何,你每一天都必须要作研究.
Anyway,I have wounded their amour propres. 总之,我伤害了他们的自尊心。
Anyway,I've hurt their self-pride. 总之,我伤害了他们的自尊心。
Anyway,if you want to check out the other office units in Wan chai or Causeway Bay,I can provide the informantion for you. 无论如何,如果你想在湾仔或铜锣湾找写字楼单位,我可以为你提供资料。
Anyway,let's wait and see what is gonna happen. 不管怎么说,让我们拭目以待接下来会发生什么。
Anyway,thank you for all your time. 无论如何,我非常感谢你的帮忙。
Anyway,the past has past.the thing i need to do now is to refresh myself to immerge into seeking intelligence.once a man said,the study was classified into three phase.they are sober,puzzled,sober again.currently,maybe i was under the phase of puzzled. 虽然,有一部分原因是因为我刚到大学时,那些熟悉大学生活的人给我说没必要努力读书.但是最主要的原因还是我自己.我太贪图享受生活而不想学习.现在得到报应了。
Anyway,you can try,even if there's not much chance of success. 至少你可以试试,纵然没有多少成功的机会。

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